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With the Founder of Power of Love Ministry
Jennifer Hadley
11/08/2024 12:30:00 AM
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What if lingering resentments that have been affecting your life for years could finally loosen their hold? Imagine the heaviness lifting, making space for deep breaths, lightness, and freedom.

Forgiveness isn’t about excusing the past it’s about breaking free from the endless replay of hurt. No more “what ifs” or “why me.” Instead, energy once trapped in anger and shame starts to flow, creating space for joy, creativity, and inner peace. Forgiveness becomes the key to your own liberation. Are you ready to free yourself?



Are there people or situations in your life that you believe caused you harm, and you’re having difficulty letting go of residual anger or resentment?

Are there people or situations in your life that you wish you’d handled differently actions, words, or mistakes you’ve made that may have caused harm to yourself or others and you feel burdened or saddened by feelings of shame or regret?

According to Jennifer Hadley, founder of the Power of Love Ministry, these difficult feelings linger when we don’t allow ourselves to experience true forgiveness and hanging on to them often blocks us from moving forward and manifesting everything we want in our lives.

Jennifer teaches true forgiveness, which is quite different from what most people think forgiveness is. Her approach is deeply rooted in A Course in Miracles, which explains true forgiveness as a full release of your attachment to the meaning you make of things that happened in the past.

She’s been working as a spiritual writer, speaker, teacher, and counselor for over 25 years. As an active minister, Science of Mind practitioner, and spiritual counselor, she’s licensed by the Agape International Spiritual Center founded by Michael Beckwith. She’s been teaching her signature Living A Course in Miracles for more than a decade and offers spiritual counseling training and certification to people worldwide.

Jennifer says that forgiveness doesn’t mean that whatever happened to you or whatever you did is okay. It doesn’t even mean that you’re over the incident or that it no longer matters. It’s about making a decision to move past the destabilizing beliefs about what happened. It means realizing that the feelings you’re harboring aren’t healthy for you and choosing to let them go through a series of steps that recondition your mind and set you free.

It’s a deep process of taking responsibility... not for the painful thing that occurred, but for the meaning you’ve given it and the power over you that you’ve assigned...

Jennifer’s method involves potent, in-depth, practical tools and techniques for creating shifts in your mindset and lasting change leading to an empowering and liberating upleveling of your consciousness.

She believes that when you learn how to practice true forgiveness, extraordinary healing miracles can occur in your physical, mental, and emotional health, financial status, creativity, relationships, and more.

When you join her in this illuminating hour-long event, she’ll introduce you to what forgiveness is and what it’s not, what the core principles of true forgiveness are, and provide real-life stories that demonstrate the far-reaching benefits of her unique forgiveness method.

You’ll discover that a lack of forgiveness including self-forgiveness creates a false sense of what we deserve and what we don’t. And, when we hold on to guilt, regret, and resentment, we get caught in a spiral of blaming, complaining, and even thoughts of revenge.

You’ll get a glimpse of the real work of true forgiveness even for the seemingly unforgivable and how it can offer you the potential to transform your entire self-concept. Because with true forgiveness, Jennifer explains, we start to feel worthy of whatever we want to create, and cultivate a powerful capacity to manifest our deepest desires.

You’ll learn that forgiveness enables you to release your blocks to love, open your heart and increase your willingness to choose love, activate more joy in your life, and bring about sustained healing within yourself and your relationships.

Jennifer’s goal for you in this workshop is to recognize that you can shift your thinking and let go of your grievances... that your continued suffering isn’t as a result of what happened, but how you’ve been holding it... and that you have the power to change your mind and experience liberation.


In this powerful event, you’ll:

  • Understand why what people generally think of as forgiveness doesn’t tend to work
  • Explore what unforgiveness, resentment, regret, and guilt are costing you and how they’re preventing you from moving forward
  • Experience a guided introspective exercise to investigate what’s not working in your life specifically because you have to forgive
  • Hear stories and examples of the kinds of transformation people experience from practicing true forgiveness including what Jennifer describes as miraculous shifts in their relationships and physical and emotional healing, as well as reunions with estranged loved ones and career leaps
  • Discover how, while many of us tend to want to change others using manipulation or control, doing your own true forgiveness work can transform others in profound ways

In addition, Jennifer will share about the many techniques she uses as part of a step-by-step process to detach from the ways you’ve interpreted behaviors whether your own or that of others which can catalyze surprising breakthroughs and launch you into a fuller, happier, and more fulfilling life.

This workshop is happening at the perfect time of year, when many take the opportunity to reflect on what they’re grateful for.

With the new year just around the corner, it’s a time when people tend to consider their regrets and what they hope to do differently as they proceed along their journey.

It’s a time of letting go and birthing ourselves anew...

And, for many, the holidays bring memories of those who’ve passed and family relationships that have gone astray.

As we enter the days of natural hibernation, we have a chance to rest, rejuvenate, and transform, preparing to leave regrets and misunderstandings behind and look forward to a brighter future.

When you attend this event, you’ll also be among the first to hear about Jennifer’s brand-new 7-week live video course in which you’ll delve deep into the actual process and practices of true forgiveness.

Over seven weeks, you’ll receive the tools you need to achieve lasting healing around your regrets and resentments, your relationships, old traumas and hurt, the somatization of painful feelings, and your mental and emotional health... and then infuse your life with miracles.


Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Jennifer Hadley and explore the power of true forgiveness so you can release your attachment to guilt, shame, resentment, or self-doubt and free up your energy to heal your struggles with relationships, health, and difficult circumstances and create space for love, inner peace, and renewed vitality.

Free Video Event

11/08/2024 12:30:00 AM

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What People Are Saying About Jennifer Hadley...

“Self-acceptance was my biggest takeaway!”

I used to think that I had to be perfect. I’m now seeing that showing up as I am is perfect. “Stop playing small” helped me feel both lighter and freer. I feel like I have a purpose. Self-acceptance was my biggest takeaway!

Carol Bifano
EDIT 5440
“I don’t recall having felt happier and more free than now...”

Jennifer’s work has changed my life in a way I would never have thought possible. I was feeling bad about a lot of things in my life — always thinking what I did was not good enough. Using her tools and doing her exercises combined with loving support in [my community of like-minded participants] has shifted my point of view. I don’t recall having felt happier and more free than now — and I know there’s much more to come.

Inger Hansen
EDIT 5436
“[Working with Jennifer] was the wake-up call of my life.”

[Working with Jennifer] was the wake-up call of my life. Because of this class, I was able to lay down a longstanding self-medicating addiction and finally love myself. A beautiful gathering of perfectly intended souls helped me practice the love, patience, and acceptance I’d been yearning for. I achieved true freedom from guilt and shame. I now have the ability to love myself and truly love others, because we are One.

Erin McDonald
EDIT 5438
“I’m happier and I feel so excited about the way my life is going!”

My income increased 5x in my small business and I didn’t do any additional marketing. Wow! My family is happier. I’m happier and I feel so excited about the way my life is going!

Jody Kelovits
EDIT 5443
“Jennifer creates an uplifting, nourishing, and safe environment...”

Jennifer creates an uplifting, nourishing, and safe environment that was the perfect space for me to really do some deep healing and forgive myself for all the times I denied myself joy and happiness. Through making more loving choices every day, I have found my purpose and I have a strong momentum now, and that’s leading to transformation in every area of my life, including my relationships with my family, my health, and my finances. I am showing up more as who I truly am and life is responding to that in miraculous ways. I am starting to enjoy the journey again!

Jenni Ridpath
EDIT 5439

About Jennifer Hadley


About Reverend Jennifer Hadley Reverend Jennifer Hadley has led over 25,000 spiritual seekers to discover the Kingdom within. Her methods support seekers in deepening their divine understanding so they can help be of greater service in the world. She has been working as a spiritual writer, speaker, teacher and counselor in Los Angeles since 1998. An active minister, Science of Mind practitioner and spiritual counselor, Jennifer Hadley completed all her training at and is licensed by the Agape International Spiritual Center founded by Michael Beckwith. Jennifer Hadley offers Spiritual Counseling training and certification for those who wish to develop their gifts and help others. Rev. Jennifer has been teaching her signature Living A Course in Miracles since 2011. Living A Course in Miracles is the first global tele-class dedicated to serving A Course in Miracles students and has attracted over 25,000 registrants worldwide. In addition to classes and workshops of her own design, Rev. Jennifer has been the host of A Course in Miracles weekly radio show on the Unity Church online radio network since 2011. Search for Jennifer Hadley at itunes and you can find hundreds of hours to support your journey of awakening all free. To learn more about Jennifer Hadley, please visit
