With Author & Certified BLSR (Between Lives Soul Regression) Hypnotist
Rob Schwartz
& Channel for the Beings of Light
Liesel Fricke


Raise your vibration through Unity Consciousness and the loving wisdom of the Beings of Light to accelerate your ascension, access more expansive frequencies, and catalyze the transformational potential of your empathic and intuitive gifts.


Intuition and empathy are tremendous gifts once you’re attuned to the higher vibrations of life such as love, peace, and joy.

Without this attunement of your energy and intuition, your caring nature is vulnerable to all the energies you come into contact with, including the thoughts and emotions of others.

If you’re an empath or sensitive soul, you’ve likely experienced this as you soaked up the energy of a room or felt the physical, mental, or emotional pain of someone else...

... and instead of lifting them up into a state of hope, strength, and resilience, your energy lowers to meet their vibration.

Or perhaps you’ve put up walls or boundaries to protect yourself and inadvertently sealed yourself in... preventing the flow of your intuition and empathic gifts.

You don’t need to block your gifts to remain energized, say Rob Schwartz, a between-life soul regression hypnotist, and channeler Liesel Fricke, his wife and co-teacher.

Learning how to maintain a higher vibrational state that supports your energy while opening you to higher guidance and the greater plan for your life will empower your sensitive nature and your ability to help others heal and rise as well.

During this free online event, Rob and Liesel will offer potent self-alignment tools that can help you relate differently to and change the dial on the many energies that land on your path in life and share the divine virtues that souls often choose to cultivate when they incarnate as empaths and highly sensitive people (HSP).

Rob and Liesel teach that by cultivating and embodying your divine virtues and working with your powers of attunement, you can become aligned to the higher vibrations of life and help the collective navigate this pivotal point in human history.

Rather than allowing yourself to be dragged down by heaviness or blocking your energy out of fear, they’ll share how you can release and transmute negative energies and attune to higher vibrational energies instead and thereby empower your innate sensitivity.


In this inspiring online event, you’ll:

  • Explore how attuning to the vibrations of love, peace, and joy can help you work with your gifts of empathy and sensitivity more effectively 
  • Learn how you can “turn the dial” to different frequencies using attention and intention and start expanding your capacity for empathy and sensitivity
  • Be guided in a powerful meditation led by Rob and channeled by Liesel from the Beings of Light to open to the deep love of your higher self, spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters
  • Discover the divine virtues that sensitive souls often work on cultivating after choosing to incarnate at this time and era of ascension allowing for greater ease and a release from suffering while here on Earth
  • Receive potent tips for how you can thrive as an intuitive empath or HSP during this tumultuous time of evolution

Rob and Liesel are regarded by their students as compassionate wayshowers in this liminal time of personal and collective evolution.

Both have a profound ability to help others release the heavy emotions and mental narratives that create distortions in their relationships, their sense of purpose, and their lives.

They do so by helping others blossom into a deeper knowingness of every being’s true nature pure unconditional love and radiant light.

You can expect to experience this for yourself as Rob guides you into a powerful meditation Liesel channeled from the Beings of Light, a collective of loving and wise nonphysical beings who exist in Unity Consciousness.

This journey can help you attune to love, your higher self, spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters as you explore the greater purpose of your empathic gifts.

In joining Rob and Liesel in this heart-centering event, you’ll also be among the first to learn about their new 7-week live video course on how cultivating the divine virtues and expanding your awareness can help you transmute suffering and trauma and embody the gifts of empathy and sensitivity to positively transform your life and our world.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Rob Schwartz and Liesel Fricke to attune to the vibrations of love, peace, and joy and catalyze the healing potential of your empathic gifts.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Rob Schwartz and Liesel Fricke...

“It was by far the most emotional moment of this [current] life.”

I had the great experience of a between lives [regression] with Robert Schwartz. It was by far the most emotional moment of this [current] life. I went back to the death experience of one of my not-proud [past] lives and forward into the soul completion of the lessons of that life. Hopefully, that was the last time I have to learn the remarkable responsibility of choosing the right subsequent lives!
Norm Shealy, MD, founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association

“This is such valuable work in this time of transition in human consciousness.”

For me, the session was a remarkable clearing to my inner guidance and a deeper understanding and confirmation that I am on track with my “soul plan.” The technique you used was clear, relaxing, and comforting. This is such valuable work in this time of transition in human consciousness.
Sandy S., Cheshire, UK

“After my sessions, I have experienced wonderful feelings of love and serenity within me.”

Robert created an environment in which I felt truly comfortable and let go of all my worries. Whenever I got into a place of uncertainty, he effortlessly guided me through. I communicated with a spiritual being from whom I felt tremendous encouragement to start healing my insecurities and fears. After my sessions, I have experienced wonderful feelings of love and serenity within me. I have come to understand that I can deal with my challenges in a smooth, natural way by becoming more loving toward myself and the surrounding world. It is a deeply comforting and empowering experience for which I am profoundly grateful.
Eva S., Czech Republic

“I highly recommend Robert’s expertise to anyone searching to look deeply within...”

My session helped to free me of feelings of guilt and self-blame, and it allowed me to open my heart to self-love. I enjoyed the experience immensely, and I had loads of fun and laughter when I met my Soul Group! I highly recommend Robert’s expertise to anyone searching to look deeply within and get clear answers from Spirit.
Natalia P., Spain

“It was an awesome experience!”

I wanted to experience a deeper meditation state and was interested in experiencing hypnosis-induced inner journeying from Rob. It was an awesome experience!
Donna, Tauranga, New Zealand


About Rob Schwartz

Rob Schwartz is a hypnotist who teaches internationally on the subject of pre-birth planning. He offers between lives soul regressions (BLSRs) to help people heal and understand their life plans. In a BLSR you can speak directly with the Council of Elders wise, loving, and highly evolved beings who can tell you what you planned for your current lifetime (and why), how well you’ve fulfilled your plan so far, and how you may better fulfill your plan in the future.

Rob is the author of Your Soul’s Plan... Your Soul’s Gift... and Your Soul’s Love. His books, which have been translated into 26 languages, explore the pre-birth planning of all manner of life challenges as well as spiritual awakenings.


About Liesel Frricke

After undergoing an enormous arc of personal evolution, Liesel Fricke, a mystic and channel, now helps people all over the world transform their own consciousnesses and lives through the workshops she co-teaches with her husband, Rob Schwartz. Liesel experienced firsthand that difficult life challenges can be powerful vehicles of transformation when we allow them to crack us open. In response to her own intense struggles with severe obsessive compulsive disorder and depression, Liesel opened and surrendered to the very depths of her being. The spiritual awakening that followed led to her capacity to connect with Unity Consciousness (Oneness) and the loving, wise beings that reside in this state of consciousness who she and Rob affectionately call the Beings of Light.

It is Liesel’s highest priority and greatest honor to share the profound love and wisdom of these highly evolved light beings in the messages, teachings, and meditations she channels. Liesel is thrilled to be working on a book with Rob based on many of these channelings. She is excited to share with the world the powerful love and insights that emerge from the sacred internal and eternal space where all are One.
