With Intuitive Healer, Author, Teacher &
Founder of the School of Intuitive Studies
Wendy De Rosa

23-Module Video Training With Two Live Q&A Events Starts
November 14, 2022
Two of Wendy’s most powerful courses are combined to offer
you a complete empath training package at a special rate of 50% off!

Reclaim and advance your intuitive healing gifts, realign to your authentic self and service, and create a solid foundation for healing yourself and others by clearing and detoxifying your energy system and empowering your innate sensitivity.

Learn how to read the energy of others without taking it on.


Are you frequently stressed, agitated, sad, depleted, or overwhelmed by digestive issues or other physical illnesses and don’t know why?

Do you sense when those around you are stressed, upset, or in need... and find that you somehow merge with them?

All of these are symptoms of what it feels like to take on other people’s energy.

As an empath, you may take on other people’s energy as a way to help them or calm them down, not realizing the damage it is doing to you as you allow them to ground through you.

The good news is that once you learn how to maintain your energetic boundaries and clear the blocks in your energy body, you’ll also be able to manage the energy that is coming at you.

And, as you gain the confidence you need to fully accept your calling as an empath, your ability to manifest in the world will also increase…

… as the frequency of abundance is cultivated and you begin to truly embody your value as a human being. 

You’ll learn how to do all of this during this 23-module energy training for developing and advancing your intuitive gifts and living in the world as an empowered empath with intuitive healer Wendy De Rosa. 

With Wendy, you’ll clear your chakras, reinforce your auric field, and detoxify your entire energy system as a powerful move toward reclaiming self-sovereignty and self-love. 

Wendy teaches that deep at the root of empathic intuition is a healer who needs to be seen to actualize your empathic gifts, you first need to see and accept yourself for who you truly are.

You’ll begin by resetting your entire energy body from within, learning how to not absorb other people’s energy, and how to nurture your energy system to shift out of a lifelong pattern of self-denial.

You’ll also explore embodiment practices and tools for managing your energy in the world, and develop the essential building blocks for establishing a formidable, energetic grounding that allows you to stay connected to yourself while moving through your day and interacting with others.

Heal Your Energy System & Reclaim Your Power

Most likely, you were raised in a time when many parents didn’t know how to raise intuitive children. This may have created deep-seated shame about just being yourself… a karmic imprint that is carried through time

With Wendy, you’ll “reparent” your energy system and reinstate your life force and your ability to function in the world as an empath.

If you’ve developed into an overly empathetic person, it may show up in various ways throughout your energy system:

As you begin to detoxify your chakras and replenish your energy stores, however, many of these physical symptoms begin to resolve as your authentic self returns.

Clearing out old wounds and blocks, your system will finally receive the life-force energy it needs for you to thrive as an empowered, empathic human being.

And as you work with energetic tools to ground and connect to your authentic self and the Divine, your boundaries will become fortified and almost effortless as you fully inhabit your energy body.

Wendy will also share why saying “yes” to your inner gifts and Divine calling is the foundation for building a relationship between you and the Divine…

… and why chaos, as well as aches, pains, and an overall sense of stuckness ensue when you deny your truth and calling.

Transform Your Empathic Nature Into Powerful & Intuitive Healing Guidance

Your sensitivity is a gift. As an empath, your ability to sense other people’s energy can empower you as an intuitive guide healing yourself and others.

When you are anchored in your energy body, you have an innate ability to transmute negative energy into light without losing yourself. You can connect intimately and deeply with others, without absorbing their energy.

None of this can happen, however, when you’re not able to maintain your energetic boundaries.

Accessing your empathic gifts requires clear direction, proven practices, and a safe container from a skilled mentor who is attuned to the unique challenges and energy systems of empathic and intuitive people.

You may have worked with your chakras and performed clearings on your own, but healing works in layers…

… bringing into consciousness new awareness that triggers a new layer to clear.

This extensive training with Wendy offers a deep energetic restructuring, in which you’ll clear blocks and also reparent your younger consciousness (especially ages 0-7).

This layer of your being is where your empathic intuition may have been wounded or shut down and now yearns for nurturing and expression.


During your 23-module energy training, you’ll:

  • Create the internal energetic conditions you need to stop taking on other people’s energy
  • Attune to your energy body and become a container of Divine light 
  • Detoxify your energy system of old wounds and blocks 
  • Explore your sensitivity as a gift  and your triggers as a conduit for your gift
  • Learn the difference between being empathic and overly empathic 
  • Experience a guided healing to ground your body, address energy held in the lower chakras, and prepare your system for the reparenting process
  • Find a new capacity to speak your truth to shift your relationship with others and expand your connection with Source
  • Reparent and love yourself at the most profound level your own energy system
  • Explore how the energetic system mirrors abandonment in the body causing excess psychic activity and ungrounding
  • Discover how the way you were mothered and fathered affects your auric field and connection to the Earth 
  • Create a solid foundation for healing others using your gifts of empathy and intuition
  • Reconnect to your Divine Mother and Father and restore a sense of comfort and nurturing through deep healing 
  • Discover how guilt and shame are energetically connected to other people
  • Learn how to live with the news, social media, and world traumas as an empathic being
  • Receive weekly guided clearings and cut the cord to negative energy
  • Clear your lower chakras to ground in your energy body, trust your intuition and express your empathic nature
  • Learn to be in the world as a grounded, sensitive, radiant being

What Is This New Course and How Can It Be of Benefit to Empaths?


What You’ll Discover in These 23 Modules

In this 23-module transformational intensive, Wendy will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully reclaim and advance your intuitive healing gifts, realign to your authentic self and service, and create a solid foundation for healing yourself and others.

Stream and Watch at Your Convenience


Sessions Posted Weekly

This course will feature teachings and experiential practices with Wendy. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to reclaim and advance your intuitive healing gifts and create a solid foundation for healing yourself and others.


Module Descriptions

Module 1: Reclaim Your Empathic Gifts Demystifying Energy Absorption & Resetting Your Energetic Body (November 14)


Being an empath is a gift that can feel like a curse, but there are also good reasons for why your energy body absorbs other people’s energy.

In this first class with Wendy, you’ll find out why energy absorption happens automatically... and what’s occurring in your system as a result of taking on energy from others.

You’ll also receive practical tools to ground and reset your energetic body and a guided healing to clear out the energy.

This week, you’ll explore:

  • The difference between being empathic and overly empathic
  • The upside of emotional and energetic triggers and why everything is designed for your healing and transformation
  • The structure and importance of your energetic anatomy
  • The vital role energy clearing plays in your lower chakras and in trusting and developing your healthy empathic intuition
  • A guided practice to clear other people’s energy from your energy body

Module 2: Ground Into Your First Chakra to Heal & Develop Your Empathic Nature (November 14)


This week, you’ll go deeper into your energy system to unravel energy and reparent the parts of you that developed energetically as being overly sensitive.

You’ll learn how your capacity to heal and develop your empathic intuition rests in your capacity to ground into your lower body where your most vital power resides and influences the way you operate in the world.

Ungroundedness is common and often chronic in overly empathic people who’ve been conditioned to believe it’s not OK for them to be themselves or to be sensitive.

To heal chronic ungrounding, you’ll explore the subconscious blocks that are inhibiting your capacity to trust, feel safe, and live freely and confidently in your body.

This week, you’ll explore:

  • An empowered way to be in your body and embrace your sensitivity with ease
  • How grounding and your root system define your energetic anatomy
  • The energy forms that shape you in your first chakra and affect your very foundation
  • How oversensitivity is a conditioning of early onset of fear and boundary crossing
  • Fears and beliefs you’ve internalized as a result of your empathic nature
  • How to locate your grounding cord and primary connection to the earth

Module 3: Rediscover, Reset & Empower Your Emotional Center to Overcome Unhealthy Familial Dynamics (November 21)


As an empath, you probably learned that prioritizing your feelings was not acceptable and that taking care of everyone else was. As a result, you likely learned how to either leave your body or shut down the energy of your second chakra.

This week, you’ll discover the patterns that you developed within your second chakra to survive these early familial dynamics...

... and how, as your emotional center, the second chakra likely became conditioned to the energy you absorbed from your caregivers and other people in your life.

You’ll find your emotional center again by clearing out the old and unwanted energy that is held there.

You’ll also experience deep healing in the second chakra to reset your energetic and emotional center.

This week, you’ll:

  • Learn how your emotional boundaries relate to the second chakra
  • Discover how to clear other people’s energies in this area of the body to strengthen your ability to center
  • Explore the role of guilt and shame in over-responsibility and having emotional boundaries
  • Experience a guided practice to change the way you carry yourself into the world and around the energy of others
  • Learn the definition of healthy empathic intuition

Module 4: Strengthen Your Sense of Self & Your Light by Cutting Negative Cords & Detoxifying Your Solar Plexus (November 21)


Your third chakra is the energy power center that “digests” the world. When grounding is compromised and the second chakra is overly absorbent, the third chakra blows open to feel everything in the room in order to help you navigate your surroundings.

The result is that your solar plexus area takes in way too much energy... which can be debilitating or, at minimum, overwhelming.

This week, you’ll discover why your third chakra center needs consistent tending to and clearing...

... and learn specific ways to release energy, cut negative cords, and strengthen your sense of Self and empowerment in this part of your energy system.

This week, you’ll discover:

  • How you are losing yourself around people or “big energy”
  • A way to energetically detox your third chakra of fear, confusion, and other people’s emotions
  • The key to cutting negative cords with others
  • How to operate from clear boundaries by empowering your true Self and energetic center
  • A deep, guided healing in your third chakra to detox and reset your personal power

Module 5: Support Your Soul’s Expansion by Recognizing Anxiety as a Symptom of Spiritual Awakening & a Deeper Emergence of Self (November 28)


Anxiety or panic can be a symptom of energetic overwhelm that is often felt in the chest or heart chakra area.

The heart is actually responding to what’s going on deeper in the body, however. For this reason, the previous modules address the programming in the lower body that can be precursors for anxiety and sometimes depression.

This week, you’ll learn how, as the heart expands and you feel called to something new, the structure of conditioning around the heart can crack... instilling a feeling of anxiety.

You’ll explore anxiety as a symptom of spiritual awakening and of the deeper part of you that wants to emerge...

... and receive healing to support your soul’s expansion and a release of old conditioning around the heart.

This week, you’ll:

  • Discover the true source of a racing heart, heart callings, and panic from a spiritual perspective
  • Unearth the hidden gifts of taking on the energy of others
  • Learn how to stay “sourced” so you can be a healthy empath in the world
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the role of your heart in empathic intuition

Module 6: Unblock Your Throat Chakra to Catalyze Healing in the Heart, Pelvis & Lower Body (November 28)


If a clearing is needed in the second chakra around boundaries, emotions, and empathic intuition, your fifth chakra (throat chakra) also needs clearing.

This week, you’ll explore your throat chakra as a portal to energy blocks held in your heart, pelvis, and lower body.

You’ll learn how the throat holds the unexpressed feelings of the second chakra leaving a congestion of unprocessed fear and emotions from this lifetime and even past lives and you’ll experience a powerful energy clearing to unblock your throat chakra, deepen your capacity to speak your truth, and set boundaries, enhancing your healing and growth as an empath.

This week, you’ll:

  • Discover the relationship between the energy blockages in your pelvic area and second chakra and your throat and fifth chakra
  • Experience a guided energy clearing in the throat chakra that empowers you to speak and live your truth and set clear boundaries
  • Learn a new practice to speak your truth shifting your relationship with others and expanding your connection with Source
  • Explore why vocal boundaries and clearing the air is imperative for you as an empath

Module 7: Release Assumptions & Judgments to Make Space for Ascension in Your Upper Chakras (December 5)


Part of being a healthy empath in the world is to not entangle your sense of safety with assumptions, judgments, or what is going on around you.

Assumptions and judgments once protected the empathic child. As an empathic adult, you need to heal this pattern in order to stop absorbing the energy of others in your lower body.

This week, you’ll learn how to do just that... and explore your calling to a higher awareness of your intuitive gifts and connection with the Divine.

When you cut unhealthy cords with others, your power ignites in the central channel of your body as you open to the higher consciousness of your upper chakras.

This Divine opening is an ascension of the soul.

You’ll experience an attunement this week to release any sense of limitation and support you in embodying your light and healthy empathic intuition.

This week, you’ll experience:

  • A new level of spiritual growth as a result of lifting the limitations in your mind and your sixth and seventh chakras
  • A shift from stagnant cording patterns in the lower body to open to dynamic, vertical Divine alignment
  • A deep release of negative thoughts in the upper crown and third eye area
  • Alignment with your true gifts and fully occupying your powerful, healthy, intuitive Self

Live Q&A Session #1 (December 12, Noon to 1:00pm Pacific)


Students will have the opportunity to participate in an hour-long live Q&A session with Wendy.


Module 8: Clear Out Old & Outdated Negative Energy to Free the Empathic Gifts of Your Body (December 19)


An empath has gifts of healing, feeling, teaching, vulnerability, emotional intelligence, and holding ground for people to transform. However, these gifts are often buried beneath wounds.

The presence of wounds in the body from childhood dynamics inhibits your gifts from being seen...

... forcing empaths like you to learn how to manage energy and not be affected by it, rather than thrive with your gifts.

This week, you’ll explore how the path of freeing the empathic gifts in your body comes from deep healing and deep consciousness shifting.

You’ll clear the old, outdated, and negative energy so that your true light can emerge, discover how empathic intuition is different from the other three aspects of intuition... and what’s happening in your energetic system.

You’ll learn what an empathic gift is and how your gifts may have been disguised or hidden from you until you’ve been triggered enough by energy to be able to see them and the role you have in the evolution of consciousness and why.

You’ll also experience a guided healing that takes you deep into your energetic system.

This week, you’ll discover:

  • What it means to be an empath in this day and age
  • The empathic gifts you possess that play a vital role in the evolution of consciousness
  • Why being triggered helps yours gift emerge and be seen
  • How energy healing plays a vital role in shifting the paradigm for the empath
  • A guided healing that takes you deep into your energetic system

Module 9: Heal Your Inner Child & Your Early Family Dynamics to Reparent Your Younger Consciousness (December 19)


Your soul came into this world with a sensitivity. As a child that sensitivity may have turned to hypervigilance in order to survive within your family dynamic... or in an intense world.

You may have evolved as an adult, but your inner child still plays out patterns of hypervigilance, fear, and putting the needs of others first in the lower chakras.

Your upper body is high-functioning and your lower body is absorbing energy from around you. This fragmentation is due to early childhood development.

This week you’ll understand why you’re absorbing energy and receive a healing for the young consciousness in your body to reparent the energy held in the lower body.

This week, you’ll learn:

  • How to be a healthy empath in the world
  • How hypervigilance creates a pattern in the body that makes you overly empathic and underdeveloped in energetic boundaries
  • What occurs in the energetic body that contributes to absorbing energy
  • How to ground your body and address energy held in the lower chakras during a guided healing

Module 10: Cultivate a Strong Sense of Self By Reconnecting to the Lost, Unseen & Unheard Parts of You (December 26)


Strong energetic boundaries form when there is a true sense of Self. In some cases, a sense of Self has never been there for an empath because there wasn’t enough nurturing to know how to support an empathic child.

This week is about reparenting where the energy in the lower body was not seen, heard, connected with, or validated therefore, there wasn’t enough sense of belonging to know that it was OK to be yourself. You’ll explore how, in the energetic system, a sense of self includes the presence of your light in your central channel and grounding cord....

... and experience a guided healing to reconnect to a lost part of you that needs to be reclaimed in order for your empathic nature to feel like a gift and not a curse.

This will strengthen your grounding and pillar of light.

This week, you’ll discover:

  • How internalizing a lack of validation and nurturing affects the empath’s ability to feel Self and wires you to feel others
  • What a sense of Self looks like in the energetic anatomy
  • How to connect to your Self and reclaim aspects of your energetic center
  • How deep energy work can help you regain access to your body’s center pillar of light and your sense of Self

Module 11: Integration Clearing Space to Make Way for a Shift (December 26)


In this integration week, you’ll experience a deep, guided healing to help your system let go of energy and make space for a shift.

Integrating this work into your daily life will include clearing out some space in your life in order to allow your inner energy to shift.


Module 12: Empower Your Empathic Nature by Clearing Patterns of Fear & Emotional and Karmic Wounds (January 2)


As an empath, you must learn how to self-heal in order to find your center and maintain healthy boundaries. This includes clearing the fear that lives within your energetic system, affecting your ability to feel safe and grounded.

Fears for empathic and sensitive beings may have originated with your family of origin. Fear that is carried through lifetimes can result in compulsions, OCD, perfectionism, and a lack of trust and belonging.

This week, you’ll be guided into a deep healing to release patterns of hypervigilance, fear, contraction, and childhood or past life wounds that may have bonded you to fear.

You’ll also explore the archetypal wounds and emotions that you may be carrying from your family history or soul history...

... and participate in deep clearing work and healing that allows your power to emerge.

Some of the energy you’ll work with clearing is from this lifetime some comes from past lives and is carried through your soul into this lifetime.

You no longer need to carry the outdated energy forward. This time and space is held for you to do this deeper work so you can feel empowered and at peace with your sensitivity.

This week, you’ll explore:

  • Deep healing and transformation by clearing out old energy in the body
  • The karmic wounds that you’ve carried from past lives into this one
  • Where the fear is held in the energetic system and how to clear deeply held fear in your body
  • What empowerment, presence, and light feel like in your body
  • How oversensitivity is rooted in subconscious fears from childhood and past lives
  • A new relationship with your body without subconscious fear

Module 13: Heal the Wounds of Abandonment by Reconnecting With Your Divine Mother & Father (January 2)


You may have had very loving parents. Yet some parents may have found it challenging or unfamiliar to raise children with an expanded sense of sensitivity and nurturance.

As a result of feeling that loss, your soul may have abandoned its connection to your root chakra, making you feel less grounded in your body.

This week offers a deep clearing to heal abandonment... and infuses you with nurturing and protection from the Divine Mother and Father.

This week, you’ll discover:

  • How the energetic system mirrors abandonment in the body causing excess psychic activity and ungrounding
  • How the way you were mothered and fathered affects your auric field and connection to the Earth
  • How deep healing can help you reconnect to your Divine Mother and Father and restore a sense of comfort and nurturing where your system was deprived of it

Module 14: Detox Patterns of Over-Responsibility, Shame & Guilt to Find Your Emotional Center (January 9)


As an empath, you must learn how to live in the second chakra area of the body in order to feel centered in your Self. Otherwise, this area of the body (the pelvis) becomes an over-nurturing center for other people’s energy.

This week, you’ll explore how shame, guilt, and innate emotional over-responsibility are patterns of karmic imprint carried through time.

The loss of your emotional center in the second chakra sets up the system for attracting betrayal, shock, spontaneous relationships, and financial changes, as well as feeling taken advantage of and taking on the emotional energy of others.

The health of the second chakra is vital for you to reclaim, in order to have appropriate energetic boundaries.

This week, you’ll discover:

  • Energetic cords that play a big role in losing yourself in relationships and how to clear them
  • How to reset and hold your emotional center and elevate your relationships to a higher vibration
  • Which chakras to pay attention to when you are in moments of crisis, confrontations, relationship dynamics, or conversations
  • Karmic lessons your relationships are here to help you overcome
  • How transference works energetically and when merging is OK
  • Deep healing to clear ties to the feelings of shame and guilt that are carried through time

Module 15: Healing Wounds of Violation to Reclaim Your Center & Repair Boundaries (January 9)


This is a big one. Injury to the second chakra area of the body, if not addressed, results in leaking energy, powerlessness, acting out, crying for help, implosion, stuffing emotionally, weight issues, and more.

This week, you’ll learn why it’s crucial to release imprints around assault and boundary crossing.

Please be advised that outside support may be needed for additional processing.

You’ll also explore:

  • Insights into the effects of assault and other types of violations on the energy system
  • The dynamics of certain energy patterns in stuffing or numbing emotions related to the trauma response
  • How to reclaim your emotional center, specifically as this loss relates to wounds of violation
  • A deep guided practice for clearing imprints in your second chakra that create feelings of powerlessness

Module 16: Integration Fire Rituals for Purification (January 16)


In this integration week, you’ll receive a guided healing on how fire can purify the impurities and support healthy transformation.

You’re invited to create your own fire ritual this week to honor the light within and purify what does not serve you.


Module 17: Explore Abundance as a Frequency that Can Be Cultivated (January 16)


Lack and poverty consciousness is the fifth karmic wound you’ll be working with in this program. Whether you have money issues or not, having confidence, love, money, security, and a positive frequency with the world is related to how much energetic lack lives in your body.

This week, you’ll explore abundance as a frequency that can be cultivated what manifests from this frequency in your body comes from the relationship between your first and third chakras.

You’ll also attune these areas in your body to Divine love and abundance through a deep, guided healing to shift out old patterns of lack and reclaim buried frequencies of love.

You’ll also discover:

  • How lack and poverty consciousness live in the body and how they’re hidden in your subconscious output to the Universe
  • How poverty and lack relate to overly empathic experiences that keep you feeling toxic and drained
  • How to clear the poverty and lack energy from your system so your mentality can change
  • How deep transfusions of love can awaken dormant abundance in the body

Module 18: Embodiment Practices to Stop Leaking Energy & Build a Healthy Aura (January 23)


Up until now, you’ve been doing deep and life-changing energy work. It may have brought up significant emotions and blocks that needed to be released.

This week, you’ll learn embodiment practices and tools to manage your energy in the world from a place of feeling filled up.

There will be no guided healing in this training (unless Wendy feels called to it as the weeks unfold).

This week, you’ll:

  • Discover how your posture plays a big role in where you leak energy, cord, or feel corded
  • Learn how to have a healthy aura so you feel safe and protected in the world
  • Explore the importance of containers to strengthen healthy empathic intuition
  • Experience practices that help your physical body stay clear, centered, and grounded
  • Learn how to manage the feeling of psychic attack or interference

Module 19: Integration to Live More in Your Embodied Power (January 23)


This week, you’ll receive an energetic integration healing to help you live more in your embodied power.


Module 20: Ease Aches, Pains & Stagnation by Saying “Yes” to Your Empathic Gifts & Divine Calling (January 30)


Now that you’ve been building more spiritual stamina in your system to embody your soul and unblock power in the body...

... you may have a sense of radiance, grounding, and awareness of how your empathic intuition works.

This week, you’ll begin to integrate your empathic gifts into your life. This doesn’t mean that you’ll go around reading everyone’s energy in fact, you won’t.

A healthy and grounded intuitive doesn’t read everyone’s energy. Instead, you have improved discernment, self-respect, and awareness of your boundaries.

Saying “yes” to your inner gifts and Divine calling is the foundation of building a clear, clean relationship between you and the Divine.

You’ll also learn why chaos ensues when you hold against your truth and calling when you don’t listen to your intuition and deep callings, there are aches, pains, stuckness, and consequences to repair.

This week, you’ll:

  • Learn what saying “yes” to your gift looks and feels like in your energetic system
  • Discover why chaos, aches, pain and stagnation ensues when you hold against your truth and calling
  • Learn how to use discernment, self-respect, and awareness when choosing whose energy you will and won’t read
  • Explore what it means to be a healer and how to allow more of your healing gifts to emerge

Module 21: Read Energy Intuitively, Without Taking it On (January 30)


A common question for empaths is how to read energy without taking it on.

Many of us see, sense, hear, or feel energy, but don’t have the training in the lower chakras to clear out the wounded energy and hold center, making it difficult to utilize this gift.

By now, you know how to not take the energy on. This week, you’ll learn to read energy in a healthy way and also consider whether you want to read energy at all.

You’ll also be given basic practices on how to tune into energy while staying centered and embodied.

You’ll discover:

  • How to maintain boundaries while reading energy
  • Why you attract the perfect people in your life to help you work through a particular issue
  • Practices on how to read energy
  • What the difference is between a psychic and a healer and why this is important for empaths to know

Module 22: Bring Empathy, Wholeness & Healing to a Dualistic World (February 6)


You’ve been called into this life to help evolve the consciousness of humanity, a very important part in increasing light on this planet. Yet we live on a planet of duality and shadow for as much light is present, there is also darkness.

Every collective trauma stirs personal traumas. This week, you’ll discover how not to be debilitated by these shadows...

... and acquire tools for living as an empath in a dualistic world how to stay engaged, but not broken down, and how your footprint matters.

There will also be a guided healing that will include distance healing.

This week, you’ll:

  • Gain valuable tools for living in the world as an empath and the constant barrage of news, social media, and world traumas
  • Learn how connection and belonging are grounding forces
  • Explore collective prayer, power in numbers, and distance healing
  • How to connect to your angels as Divine protectors

Module 23: Final Integration & Recorded Q&A (February 6)


As mentioned earlier in the program, openings and closings are very important to contain energy and the final week of class is no exception.

This final integration healing and recorded Q&A session will address any remaining questions and support you as you integrate your empathic skills and heightened awareness into your daily life.


Live Q&A Session #2 (February 13, 1:00pm to 2:00pm Pacific)


Students will have the opportunity to participate in a final hour-long live Q&A session with Wendy.



The Empowered Empath Training Bonus Collection

In addition to Wendy’s transformative 23-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, October 29, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Guided Energy Healing to Support Releasing Past Lives & Ancestral Wounds and Expressing Your Heart’s Truth, Plus an Additional Visualization & Chant Practice to Heal Your Throat Chakra
Video Recording of Visualization & Audio Recording of Chant Practice

We carry so much karmic, ancestral, and emotional energy in the throat chakra that frequent clearings are essential. Some of these blocks are conscious, and some are deeply held and subconscious. In this guided energy healing by Wendy, you’ll be given the opportunity to release held energy in your throat chakra to make way for your higher wisdom, deeper truth, and expression of your authentic self.


When you register by Midnight Pacific on Friday, November 4, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

A Guided Energy Healing to Honor the Earth & Recalibrate to Her Rhythms for Deep Grounding & Healing
Video Recording of Guided Energy Healing

The season of fall moves us from the periphery of our being inward to the center of the trunk of our inner tree. The Earth invites us to harvest what we’ve been cultivating and get grounded in where we are now in our lives. This healing by Wendy is a deep journey into grounding and connection to the Earth’s frequencies. It’s a restoration healing for your nervous system, heart, mind, and body..


When you register by Midnight Pacific on Thursday, November 10, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Transform Through Emotional Healing: Release Emotions From the Past
Set of 6 Powerful Guided Audio Meditations From Wendy De Rosa

Do you struggle with unresolved anger? Are you stopped from moving forward because you have unfinished business in your past? Is it a challenge to feel love for yourself because other feelings are more prevalent? Journey through releasing unprocessed emotional history in your body with the support of these powerful, empowering, and deep guided healings through each emotion. Wendy facilitates a guided journey into your chakra system and subconscious to help you release the energy you no longer need to carry.

Register by November 10 to claim this bonus before it expires.


Guided Healing on Connecting to Your Inner Child
Audio Teaching From Wendy De Rosa

Your inner child is a form of your intuition, and yet, there are blocks that prevent your inner child from being felt and heard. Why is this important? Because the struggles you may have in acting out, doubting yourself, allowing yourself to have or not have, etc., have to do with unmet needs of the inner child. Clearing what may be blocking the inner child's needs or connecting to those needs can be powerfully shifting. Inner child clearing can be very healing if you are struggling with:

  • Deprivation of love and self-love
  • Negative self-talk
  • A lack mentality
  • Low self-worth
  • Fears of being vulnerable
  • Insecurity or uncertainty
  • Chaos or confusion
  • And more…

Inner child clearing can also help you with your clarity of SELF and your intuition. This guided healing will take you on a deep journey into energy clearing around connecting to your inner child.


Are You an Empath? How to Stop Taking on the Energy of Others
Audio Teaching From Wendy De Rosa

Are you an empath? Do you take on the energy of others or struggle in holding your energetic boundaries? In this audio, you’ll discover why this oversensitivity forms, what’s happening in your energetic body, and how to transform blockages so that you can live more empowered in your body.


Clearing Negative Beliefs & Energy Blocks in the Body
Guided Audio Healing & Teaching From Wendy De Rosa

This guided healing guides you beneath the surface to clear negative beliefs held in the energetic system. The deep healing in this recording supports empaths in tending to their subconscious energies and clearing any blocks so they can more fully embody their true self.


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What Graduates of Wendy’s Courses Are Saying…


Ilene Leshinsky: “It's Just Been a Blessing That Wendy Is in My Life”

Hoyt Cory: “One of the Characteristics That's Most Notable Is Wendy's Integrity”


Jeanie Lechuga: “Wendy's Energy Is Palpable. She Just Exudes the Light.”

Jackie Woodward: “Wendy's Energy Helps Transform Your Energy”

“Wendy, as a teacher, is so wonderfully authentic, down to earth, and knowledgeable.”

Wendy, as a teacher, is so wonderfully authentic, down to earth, and knowledgeable. The course material was also well-structured, easy to keep up with and to apply. I thoroughly enjoyed it and use the techniques she taught daily. She is practical and always has safety in mind. I like that, too.

“As a sensitive intuition person, this course helped me to differentiate where and how intuitive information flows through me.”

As a sensitive intuition person, this course helped me to differentiate where and how intuitive information flows through me. This has helped enormously with my client work, to not take on energies that aren’t mine.
Vanessa, Melbourne, Australia

“Wendy’s guided meditations are also amazing. Her visualizations were very effective.”

This course has been very impactful for me. I was ready to take a deeper look at the behavioral patterns that don’t serve me. This class gave me the tools to do that. Wendy’s guided meditations are also amazing. Her visualizations were very effective. Thank you.
Patricia, Healdsburg, California

“This course helped change my life for the better.”

This course helped change my life for the better. I am grounded and more centered, and have a clearer understanding as to what the four powers of intuition are, and which ones are my strengths. It turns out I have at least three of them!!! I am learning to interpret my dreams, which brings peace to myself. I didn’t know that vivid dreams were a sign of clairvoyance! I can feel better, and I know things now about myself that I didn't know before the course. Thank you, Wendy and The Shift Network for providing this opportunity for me.
Jennifer Nichols, Chesapeake, Virginia

“Wendy is one of those rare teachers who can deliver higher knowing in such a practical and grounded way.”

Wendy is one of those rare teachers who can deliver higher knowing in such a practical and grounded way. There were so many insights for me in this course and so many easily applicable practices to carry forward and use over and over. If you want to understand yourself in a truly deeper way, understand why you react the way you do, why, as an empath, you can get triggered and how to respond this is your course!
Wendy, Saskatchewan, Canada


Join the Global Community


Empowered Empath Training offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Wendy De Rosa will share in this powerful training.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twenty-Three 90-Minute Class Sessions With Wendy De Rosa

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from intuitive healer, author, and teacher Wendy De Rosa, founder of the School of Intuitive Studies from the comfort of your own home. Each class session will guide you to reclaim and advance your intuitive healing gifts, realign to your authentic self and service, and create a solid foundation for healing yourself and others.

Twenty-Three Video Recordings of Class Sessions

Each class is available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Twenty-Three Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

Each class’s audio is available for you to stream in a high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Twenty-Three Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Two Live Q&A sessions

Students will also have the opportunity to participate in two hour-long live Q&A sessions with Wendy on the following dates:

Monday, December 12, 2022, from Noon to 1:00pm Pacific
Monday, February 13, 2023, from 1:00pm to 2:00pm Pacific

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Empowered Empath Training Bonus Collection

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, October 29, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Guided Energy Healing to Support Releasing Past Lives & Ancestral Wounds and Expressing Your Heart’s Truth, Plus an Additional Visualization & Chant Practice to Heal Your Throat Chakra
    Video Recording of Visualization & Audio Recording of Chant Practice

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Friday, November 4, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • A Guided Energy Healing to Honor the Earth & Recalibrate to Her Rhythms for Deep Grounding & Healing
    Video Recording of Guided Energy Healing

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Thursday, November 10, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Transform Through Emotional Healing: Release Emotions From the Past
    Set of 6 Powerful Guided Audio Meditations From Wendy De Rosa
  • Guided Healing on Connecting to Your Inner Child
    Audio Teaching From Wendy De Rosa
  • Are You an Empath? How to Stop Taking on the Energy of Others
    Audio Teaching From Wendy De Rosa Teaching From Wendy De Rosa

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, Empowered Empath Training


We feel honored that Wendy De Rosa has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to study with an intuitive healer, author, teacher, and founder of the School of Intuitive Studies whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about creating a solid foundation for healing yourself and others by reclaiming and advancing your natural empathic gifts, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

3 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Empowered Empath Training or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before November 28, 2022, and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Wendy De Rosa…

“Wendy is a wonderful instructor with great knowledge about energy work who wants her students to succeed and is able to help us do so.”

Wendy’s courses have been very healing of past traumas. Equally valuable are the skills, knowledge, and practices Wendy teaches for energetic health, balance, and being around others as an extremely energetically sensitive person. I am learning a great deal that marries well with my Reiki practice. Wendy is a wonderful instructor with great knowledge about energy work who wants her students to succeed and is able to help us do so. She is doing sacred work, I believe. Thank you to Wendy and everyone at The Shift Network for these powerful teachings.
V. French, British Columbia, Canada

“I am very impressed with Wendy De Rosa's teachings because they are easy to understand and practice, and I strongly feel the truth within.”

I have studied and read many books about energetic healing over the past 25+ years. I am very impressed with Wendy De Rosa's teachings because they are easy to understand and practice, and I strongly feel the truth within. I am very happy to have found out about her and will continue to read, study, and participate in her work.
Georgia, Grass Valley, California

“Wendy's teachings and transmissions truly are very powerful, compassionate, engaging, and, I feel, timely for these world events…”

Wendy's teachings and transmissions truly are very powerful, compassionate, engaging, and, I feel, timely for these world events we are in and witnessing personally and globally. I’m feeling Wendy’s powerful intent in getting us really grounded and maintaining this in our lives.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to empower myself and strengthen my energetic boundaries with such a heart-centered and grounded teacher as Wendy.”

This course with Wendy was life-changing for me. To cultivate appreciation and confidence in my sensitivity has been invaluable beyond measure. I am grateful for the opportunity to empower myself and strengthen my energetic boundaries with such a heart-centered and grounded teacher as Wendy.
Lisa, Durango, Colorado

“Wendy is such a gifted, talented, generous teacher, and the team is so caring.”

This course has been such a balm to my soul and helped me to become autonomous in my healing process, spiritual growth, and empowering path. Wendy is such a gifted, talented, generous teacher, and the team is so caring. The structure of the course makes the learning process easy, pleasant, progressive, and whole. These moments were such a blessing in my journey. I am looking forward to additional courses with Wendy and The Shift Network. Many thanks to all of you and all the best in our empowering journey.
Peggy, France


About Wendy De Rosa

Wendy De Rosa is an internationally known intuitive energy healer, speaker, teacher, author, and founder of the School of Intuitive Studies. She offers education and training programs for spiritual and personal growth to people from all over the world who wish to develop their intuition and experience personal transformation.

Wendy has appeared on the CBS News program Better Connecticut. More than 100,000 people have attended her live events and programs for The Shift Network.

Wendy’s newest book is Becoming an Empowered Empath: How to Clear Energy, Set Boundaries & Embody Your Intuition. Her other titles include Energy Healing Through the Chakras: A Guide to Self-Healing and Expanding Your Heart: Awakening Through Four Stages of a Spiritual Opening. She’s a contributing author to Bouncing Back: Thriving in Changing Times with Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, and other personal growth leaders.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts


Q: Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the scheduled class sessions?
A: Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing class sessions. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is November 28, 2022. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
