Founder of the Priestess Presence Temple
Elayne Kalila Doughty
Enter the gateway of the Magdalene Sanctuary — your holy refuge and inner temple — through 9 specific empowerments and additional ceremonial practices. Develop your own ways of connecting to these practices… as you’re initiated into the Way of Love.

As a recent graduate of Elayne Kalila’s courses with The Shift Network...
... you’ve walked in the inspirational footsteps of Mary Magdalene. You’ve received her teachings and practices for an embodied spiritual experience — as you journey toward more self-acceptance, peace, and freedom.
Through Elayne Kalila’s guidance, you experienced the process of embodying a form of feminine spirituality that embraces both your divinity and humanity — and entered a place of remembrance of who you truly are.
Do you find yourself wondering, “What’s next?” Do you long for more connection with a community that will go even deeper with you, in a shared journey of embodying the Divine Feminine — in sacred ceremony devoted to pure, embodied love?
Over 2,000 years ago, two powerful teachers and mystics — Yeshua and Mary Magdalene — planted the seeds of teachings rooted in love. These mystery school teachings were kept alive in the culture of the troubadours and the Cathars in France... until they were eradicated through centuries of patriarchal abuse of power and domination.
Today, we are living in the ravages of this carnage and our planet is sorely in need of these teachings, which lay out for us a way of walking as an awakened human — with the heart of the Divine Feminine — by choosing the Way of Love.
Elayne Kalila lovingly awaits to lead you through the next stage of your initiation with this advanced 11-part journey...
... inviting you to come back to your heart to embody love as you step through the gateway and enter your Magdalene Sanctuary.
The Divine Feminine is calling to all of us.
For Elayne Kalila Doughty, psychotherapist and founder of the Priestess Presence Temple, it begins with fully accepting both your humanity and your divinity — so you can cultivate your spiritual core through the alchemy of the heart.
When you join her on this journey, Elayne Kalila will guide you through Mary Magdalene’s Sanctuary as you devote yourself to temple ceremonies and rituals as a core part of your practice.
Your Magdalene Sanctuary is an internal holy refuge that connects you to your highest spiritual self. Embodying the Divine Feminine in sanctuary gives you deeper intimacy with your sensual and creative sides…
… where you're able to experience that sacred space within yourself — through all of your senses.
You will cultivate your own temple practice steeped in community, ritual, and ceremony — and develop uniquely personal ways of connecting to and invoking the potency of Mary Magdalene’s teachings…
… from which you will receive direct transmissions and practices to embody the Way of Love — with your whole life (and body) serving as your sacred temple.
You’ll deepen your devotion and commitment to love by calling on nine of the Magdalene empowerments — or symbols — to anchor your practice with beauty, compassion, and illumination… extending your inner sanctuary outward.
The power of symbols, metaphors, and imagery serves as the language that your deeper soul understands, connecting you to your highest spiritual realm — while also giving you a place to ground your practice and carry you through your daily life.
Each class is focused on a sacred symbol that helps you build the archetypal and energetic foundations for deep feminine wisdom.
This course offers a way to deepen your devotion, commitment, and knowledge of yourself as the Way of Love…
… and cease to live within the outmoded patterns that would have you believe that love is somewhere outside of yourself.
During this expansive transformational journey with Elayne Kalila, you’ll:
- Receive sacred initiations into the Sanctuary of Mary Magdalene through direct transmissions
- Have the opportunity to devote yourself to the embodiment — beyond intellectualization — of Mary Magdalene’s teachings
- Discover deeper ways to embody and practice the Way of Love as you explore the 9 temples of the Magdalene
- Examine how the path of the Way of Love can lead you back to remembrance… of the sacred Divine in human form
- Explore a new definition of “sin” — and release the damaging notion that bodies are shameful
- Cultivate your inner sanctuary to connect with the wisdom of each of the symbols associated with Mary Magdalene
- Contemplate kenosis — self-emptying love — and why this is a central practice in the Way of Love
- Explore what it means to deepen with the mystery and awaken to your inner sight and gnosis
- Clear the eyes of your heart to “see” more clearly through the veils of projection
- Embrace your human life as the mystery school that reveals your soul’s curriculum to remember that you are love
- And much more…
Throughout this journey, you’ll explore core devotional teachings from the Sanctuary of Mary Magdalene that will help you move away from spiritual programming that hasn’t served you…
… and journey deep into the heart of your own divine knowing.
Inhabiting the Way of Love means fully welcoming the human experience in your current incarnation — exactly as you are — while cultivating a renewed sense of clarity, courage, and integrity.
You’ll dig deep to find the Divine within your embodied human form — as you embrace the challenging initiations — hurt, loss, hatred, fear, separation, jealousy, and greed to awaken….
… and remember yourself as love.
You’ll also be supported by a spiritual community of like-hearted beings who are committed to a deeper practice of devotion to connecting with and embodying the Magdalene teachings. In bringing our personal sanctuary to the collective, we empower a broader consciousness and alchemical healing to our temple.
And, together, you’ll walk the Way of Love — as you remember the path of immanence and embodied presence.
This is not a teaching — it is an embodied transmission and a virtual initiation.
This initiation is about moving from seeking to find love or trying to get love — to being love…
… because once you develop an intimate relationship with Mary Magdalene, you’ll embody the core principle that She lives within you.
She is not outside. She is a frequency — a collective archetypal field of love that guides from within.
Love is profound.
Love is an initiation.
And it is calling you to remember that you are divine.
This Ceremonial Journey Includes:
This course was designed to immerse you in a deeper exploration of Elayne Kalila’s expertise and love for the secret spiritual teachings of Mary Magdalene — and the lessons she holds for all of us to this day.
- Nine 90-minute video classes which include 60 minutes of faculty instruction and 30 minutes of Q&A
- Two 4-hour ceremony sessions to provide ceremonial immersion in a temple, and be initiated in devotion through your own practice. Elayne will guide you through 3 different ceremonies on each day to deepen your personal relationship with Magdalene, as you receive her guidance and share it in community
What You’ll Discover in This Journey
In this Ceremonial Journey, Elayne Kalila will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully create a life devoted to the Way of Love.
The course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Elayne Kalila. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to cultivate your Magdalene sanctuary and walk the Way of Love.
Module 1: The Way of Love — Awaken the Inner Christ Through the Sacred Alabaster Jar

In your first gathering, you stand at the doorway to your temple sanctuary and hear the call to the Magdalene and the Way of Love. You know this path, and are now called to enter into a deeper remembrance through the living, embodied practice of these teachings. This is your time to ground this beautiful path as sacred practice in your own life.
You’ll enter into the Magdalene Sanctuary to be received by Her and to receive the power of Her presence. Through this, you awaken Her as She lives within you — to seek her wise counsel and to more deeply follow the path She embodied in her own ministry.
You’ll receive your inner sanctuary empowerment to awaken the Inner Christ through the sacred alabaster jar — the most iconic Magdalene symbol.
And, you’ll awaken your inner sanctuary through the sacred ancient art of self blessing and anointing.
In this temple, you’ll:
- Hear the calling and contemplate what is here to be more fully healed into wholeness within
- Experience who Mary Magdalene really is — as the woman and the collective archetype
- Discover what the Way of Love is and why it is calling to so many of us at this time
- Uncover the true nature of sin
- Recognize the Alchemy of Love and what it is to become an alchemist of love
- Reveal the pathway of initiation and how it differs from learning or studying
- Explore examples of practices you could choose to develop, including movement, writing, art, prayer, altars, ritual, ceremony, and sacrament
- Receive your inner sanctuary empowerment for consecration or Christing of our own being through the sacred alabaster jar
Module 2: The Source Empowerment — Replenish & Ground by Invoking The Tree of Life

As above, so below. The Tree of Life reflects this hermetic teaching. The roots and the canopy of the tree are the same, and the trunk connects the above and the below.
The branches of the tree spread up into the cosmos to connect us to the transcendent. The more rooted we are below, the more we can expand above.
This practice is about being more fully human — it’s not about transcending your humanity. You are human and spiritual. We are being brought into our humanity through our roots as Magdalene.
You’ll feel the power of connecting to your roots, all of life, and the planet. To be fully human, we must recognize that we are from the earth, and yet, we are also of the stars.
As you connect to Source as the Divine Feminine — the Mother principle, the source of all nourishment, nurturance, and replenishment — you’ll ground more deeply into your spiritual practice.
In this temple, you’ll:
- Enter into the sanctuary to sit by the Tree of Life and connect with the wisdom that this symbol holds as a direct transmission of the Magdalene teachings
- Identify how to connect with and receive from Source as the Mother/Divine Feminine
- Explore how to sit in your root and why this is so important for opening your vessel to the Way of Love
- Connect with the spark of all life and contemplate the teaching “Let there be light”
- Deepen your connection with the axiom “As above, so below; as within, so without”
- Replenish and ground by invoking the Tree of Life in your inner sanctuary
Module 3: The Silence Empowerment — Empty & Open by Invoking Your Inner Mirror

You’ll activate your inner mirror by gazing directly into the deepest part of your being, coming into intimacy with the Magdalene as she lives inside you.
In this practice, you’ll move beyond the awkwardness of meeting yourself. You’ll call yourself into deeper authenticity, truth, and stillness as your presence comes forward as part of the collective Magdalene.
The soul houses your inherent goodness that can never be lost, only forgotten. In the realm of your inner sanctuary, you can listen to this essential aspect of yourself.
We are not sinful — our humanity is not shameful. Sin is simply the forgetting of our true nature. In this temple sanctuary, you’ll be guided back to your true nature by Mary Magdalene and her teachings to help you remember this.
As you awaken and activate this potent symbolic treasure, your Soul will open to your inner gnosis.
In this temple, you’ll:
- Enter into the sanctuary to sit by the great still lake of the inner mirror and connect with the wisdom that this symbol holds
- Embrace the place of silence and stillness inside your inner sanctuary
- Contemplate Kenosis — self-emptying love — and why this is a central practice in the Way of Love
- Explore what it means to deepen with the mystery and awaken to your inner sight and gnosis
- Invoke the Sophia consciousness that is here to illuminate and guide you beyond the veil of your ego consciousness
- Empty and open by invoking your inner mirror in your inner sanctuary
Ceremony Session #1: The Power Ceremonies

During this ritual activation temple day, you will come into ceremonial space to deepen your practice of these beautiful teachings from the Way of Love, engaging in movement, breath, devotional practice, and the mystery.
In these temple ceremonies, you’ll be initiated in devotion through your own practice. Elayne will guide you through three different Power Ceremonies to cultivate your personal relationship with Magdalene as you receive her guidance — together in community, in shared sanctuary space.
You’ll awaken your energy, source from the earth, and connect to everything that supports and nourishes you. You’ll activate gnosis and your sense of who you are as a spiritual being.
- The Red Maven Ceremony
Re-source Your Blood Power to Weave Interconnection With All Beings
- The High Priestess Ceremony
Refine Your Gnosis to Engage With the Wisdom of the Subtle Realms
- The Sovereign Queen Ceremony
Be Called Into the Sacred Inner Castle to Access Your Own Inner Throne
Module 4: The Compassion Empowerment — Find Forgiveness & Mercy Through Filling Your Chalice

You’re called into the power of forgiveness, compassion, humility, and kindness. Through these portals, you awaken to the heart of your humanity.
We begin with the act of self-forgiveness, because until we forgive ourselves, we can not forgive anyone else. It’s through your fallible, imperfect human journey that you awaken the eyes of the heart.
As you reintegrate your divine and human selves, you begin to remember that you have a choice in every moment to listen to your higher self — your inner Magdalene.
You’ll sit with forgiveness and mercy as you open the chalice of your own heart. You’ll open the way for the Soul to be heard and for Mary Magdalene to guide in the embodied practice of filling your inner chalice with compassion.
Through the symbol of the chalice — the Holy Grail — you’ll awaken and activate this potent symbolic treasure within as humility and human kindness.
In this temple, you’ll:
- Enter into the Sanctuary to be in presence with the chalice and connect with the wisdom that this symbol holds
- Embrace the path of compassion, forgiveness, and mercy inside your inner sanctuary
- Contemplate the meaning of judgment, fear, and separation
- Clear the eyes of your heart to “see” more clearly through the veils of projection
- Deepen with your Kenotic practice — self-emptying love — which holds the key to being “filled” from within the emptiness
- Connect with Magdalene as being an internal guide initiating you to deepen your practice
- Find forgiveness and mercy through filling your chalice in your inner sanctuary
Module 5: The Truth Empowerment — Claim Your Courage & Clarity Through Your Sacred Red Book

Invoke the power of your clarity and courage to feel how this path of embodied love calls you to stand in integrity — the original shape of your innermost soul being.
Begin to align with love in the space of justice, impeccability, sovereignty, courage, and power.
Do your actions align with your words? Do your words align with your higher self? Are you living in the resonance and coherency of love?
You’ll be called to the inner library of Sophia which houses the book of life — the pages on which we have written the story of our humanity and where we remember the love of our soul being.
You will connect to the powerful symbol of the Sacred Red Book. Enter into deeper integrity and courage to consciously write the story of your soul’s journey home to divine humanity.
In this temple, you’ll:
- Enter into the sanctuary to be in presence with the Sacred Red Book and connect with the wisdom that this symbol holds
- Embrace the path of courage, clarity, integrity, and impeccability inside your inner sanctuary
- Contemplate where you are out of alignment in your words and actions
- Clarify where you are being called into deeper alignment, seeing through the eyes of the heart that is resonating with divine justice
- Deepen with the Sacred Red Book and the mystery of writing the story of your soul’s curriculum on the Way of Love
- Claim your courage and clarity through your Sacred Red Book in your inner sanctuary
Module 6: The Devotion Activation — Unveil Your Tenderness & Vulnerability by Unfurling Your Red Rose

Access the power of the most tender and vulnerable aspects of your heart through the magic and mystery of the rose.
At the heart of the Way of Love are the teachings of the Rosa Mystica, the awakening of unconditional love within our own hearts.
As you integrate the practices of The Tree of Life, the mirror, and the chalice, you will naturally arrive at the center of the spiral where you will find the eternal rose that is asking to bloom within your heart.
You’ll awaken the eyes of the heart through tender devotion to your human journey.
You’ll start to feel the elixir and fragrance of the rose as it releases into your heart, inviting in a deeper sense of what it is to devote yourself to the Way of Love and enter into innocence and tenderness.
In this temple, you’ll:
- Enter into the sanctuary to be in presence with the Red Rose and connect with the wisdom that this symbol holds
- Embrace the path of devotion, vulnerability, and imperfection inside your inner sanctuary
- Contemplate where you withhold your love, what you turn away from, and where you have closed off your heart
- Soften the shields that have been guarding your heart
- Deepen with the Red Rose and the mystery of unfurling your inner petals to see with the eyes of the heart
- Connect with Magdalene as being an internal guide initiating you to deepen your practice and find the depths of your humanity as a portal to your high heart and angelic soul self
- Unveil your tenderness and vulnerability by unfurling your red rose in your inner sanctuary
Module 7: The Beauty Empowerment — Find Elegant Refinement Through Your Incandescent Pearl

Embrace the inherent beauty lying at the heart of your humanity as inner radiance. You’ll enter into a process of refinement as you activate the pearl light body known as the Pearl Robes of Light.
In the Way of Love, the beauty that exudes from within is like flowing nectar from an awakened heart. The Pearl shows the path of inner transformation embracing the grit that irritates the soft underbelly of your being.
Much like the pearl, we’re given copious opportunities to embrace irritation, discomfort, fear, and separation — and bathe it in the light of love for transformation. The Mother of Pearl embraces an irritant with Nara, an iridescent material, and transmutes it with motherly love into a beautiful pearl. At its core, the Pearl is still the irritant.
Out of that discomfort, after being bathing in love, compassion, and kindness, it is now clad in robes of iridescent light.
The awakening of the Pearl Robe of Light is found in the innocence of the inner heart, in the presence of the divine human who has embraced the alchemical journey of the Way of Love and chosen to become Anthorpas, fully human.
In this temple, you’ll:
- Enter into the sanctuary to be in presence with the Pearl/Robe of Light and connect with the wisdom that this symbol holds
- Embrace the path of refinement, beauty, charisma, and incandescence inside your inner sanctuary
- Contemplate what has been distilling and alchemizing within you to reveal this beauty within
- Open to receive the beauty in self and others and self and what it means to walk in beauty
- Deepen with the Pearl and the mystery of how this powerful symbol is here to inform your alchemical journey
- Find elegant refinement through your incandescent pearl in your inner sanctuary
Module 8: The Ecstasy Empowerment — Surrender to Rapturous Passion With Your Wild Honey

When you feel rapture cultivated through the Way of Love, you become an overflowing flower offering the nectar of wild honey to the world.
Enter into the body and eros as sacred and alchemize any shame. The body becomes the temple and seat of marriage to your divine self. This is cause for celebration and an embodiment of the ecstasy that comes from feeling free.
In the Way of Love, the bees in your heart create the heady aroma and amrita — the honey that spreads through the body — and provide you with sweetness as you enter the garden of Eden. You’re already in heaven and heaven is within you.
We’ve never truly been exiled — just on a journey to remember how to come back to the full aliveness of our divine humanity. We’ll distill the soul essence through rapture, celebration, wildness, passion, and magic.
We are no longer bound by our passions, which in Christian doctrine means “to suffer.” Instead, we are freed to feel passion as a means toward full expression.
The honeybees (known as Mellissa) have been making honey from brokenheartedness, human pain, and suffering. You’ll be called to taste the honey of this path — and what you’ve been distilling in your inner sanctuary.
In this temple, you’ll:
- Enter into the sanctuary to be in presence with bees and the honey amrita
- Embrace the path of rapture, magic, wildness, and ecstasy inside your inner sanctuary
- Contemplate what has been creating this honey within you and what you have been alchemizing even further as you continue your practice of the Way of Love
- Embrace and embody a new sense of freedom and aliveness that comes from the realization that you already reside within the garden of heaven
- Deepen your connection with the mystery of the bee and honey
- Surrender to rapturous passion with your wild honey in your inner sanctuary
Ceremony Session #2: The Heart Ceremonies

During this day-long ritual activation temple day, you will continue your immersion in temple ceremony.
Elayne will guide you through three different Heart Ceremonies to further your personal relationship with Magdalene, as you receive her guidance — together in community, in shared sanctuary space.
You’ll awaken and integrate with your heart, reignite your wild rapture, and release yourself with humility and surrender.
- The Rosa Mystica Ceremony
Reawaken Your Tender, Magnificent Heart
- The Ecstatic Alchemist Ceremony
Reignite Your Wild Vital Rapture
- The Death Maiden Ceremony
Release Into Humility & Surrender
Module 9: The Grace Activation — Release Into Illumination With Your Sophia Dove

What would it be like to become walking grace, in all situations and with all beings? To discover there is grace in our imperfection, fallibility, and messiness?
To become living grace is to become fully human. The illumination of Sophia Dove — the brightest symbol of the awakening of Sophia consciousness, divine feminine wisdom — takes us into the poetry of the soul.
Mary Magdalene guides us to walk as living grace. The Dove of Sophia consciousness illuminates even the darkest spaces within, bringing the light of wisdom to us.
She is an emissary of something so ineffable and numinous that it can not be reached through the mind. It must come through the heart.
You will be awakened to the living wisdom that is your angelic divine self. The Dove travels with you — above your crown chakra — connecting you to angelic shards of light that are replicated in every cell of your being.
Now, when you realize you are no longer seeing through the eyes of the heart, you have a way to come home again. You have a practice to yoke to the inner wisdom, even when you stray from the Way of Love.
Only an awakened heart can truly experience grace and the awe that accompanies it.
In this temple, you’ll:
- Enter into the sanctuary to be in presence with Grace and the Dove of Sophia consciousness as a direct transmission of Magdalene teachings
- Embrace the path of grace, peace, awe, and release inside your inner sanctuary
- Contemplate what grace is bringing to you and how your practice has been deepening your capacity to reside within grace
- Deepen with the mystery of the Dove of Illumination as she shows herself to you in your life
- Release into illumination with your Sophia dove in your inner sanctuary
- Write your own prayer if it is in your joy
The Magdalene Initiation Bonus Teaching
In addition to Elayne Kalila’s transformative Ceremonial Journey course, you’ll receive this special bonus teaching to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
The Stream of Eros: Enter the Temple of the Magdalene
Audio Teaching & Embodied Practice With Elayne Kalila

Connect into the Ecstatic Alchemist through Eros — magnetic life force — one of the six faces of love that the Magdalene brings forth. This potent force draws the honeybees to the flowers and the hummingbirds to bury themselves in their nectar. Tune in to the yearning for life and activate your wild rapture in the Eros Stream in this video teaching and embodiment practice with Elayne Kalila.
What Graduates of Elayne Kalila’s Courses Are Saying…

— Aurora Farber: “Elayne Kalila Is a Gift”
— Leigh Senna: “Elayne Kalila’s Presence Can Penetrate Deep Into Your Soul”
— Jennifer Hasenyager: “Elayne Kalila Has Helped Me to Soften and Connect to My Heart”
— Lettie Sullivan: “I Am So Grateful to Call Elayne Kalila My Mentor”
— Dianne Chalifour: “A Beautiful Unfolding Happens Through Each One of Elayne Kalila’s Programs”
— Elsa Perez Dean: “I Was Captivated and Enraptured”
“Elayne Kalila is a one-of-a-kind ‘doula of the Soul’...”
Every woman should be given the opportunity to deepen this knowledge and walk this path... it takes us Home. Elayne Kalila is a one of a kind “doula of the Soul,” and it is a real privilege to be able to learn with her.
— Anna Firenze, Italy
“I feel like I know myself better now and appreciate the lows and highs in my emotions and life.”
I’ve come full circle. I feel like I know myself better now and appreciate the lows and highs in my emotions and life. I was named after my paternal grandmother Magdalene and I gained more knowledge of that name. This course connected me to that lineage, and a remembrance happened from memories I had put off as random.
— Lyn, Kenya
“This course with Elayne Kalila was a deep reconnection to my Divine Feminine and to the Way of Love.”
This course with Elayne Kalila was a deep reconnection to the Divine Feminine and to the Way of Love. Thank you so much for all these teachings and the powerful meditations.
— Marie, France
“I am honored to be a witness to this beautiful course.”
I am honored to be a witness to this beautiful course. Thank you for following your call to embodiment so that we also may find our way!
— Naptali,, Colorado
“Integrating my Divine Feminine lineage through practical embodiment of the truth has set me free…”
Integrating my Divine Feminine lineage through practical embodiment of the truth has set me free and connected me to community and internal power. Grateful.
— Holly MacGowan, Ashland, Oregon
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Nine 90-Minute Class Sessions With Elayne Kalila Doughty
Experience a unique opportunity to learn from psychotherapist and ordained priestess Elayne Kalila Doughty, founder of the Priestess Presence Temple, from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and will guide you to connect with Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine already within you.
Two 4 hour-long Ceremony Sessions to integrate your teachings with Ceremonial Practice. Elayne will guide you through three different ceremonies on each day to deepen your personal relationship with the Magdalene, as you cultivate a deeper listening and devotion in practice with Her.

Eleven Transcripts: 9 Class Sessions and 2 Ceremonial Sessions
In addition to high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Magdalene Initiation Bonus Teaching
- The Stream of Eros: Enter the Temple of the Magdalene
Audio Teaching & Embodied Practice With Elayne Kalila
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, The Magdalene Initiation
We feel honored that Elayne Kalila Doughty has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from psychotherapist, ordained priestess, and founder of the Priestess Presence Temple Elayne Kalaia, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about living a life devoted to Love and the Divine Feminine, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Note:If you have NOT experienced Elayne Kalila’s 7-module The Magdalene Journey of Feminine Embodiment training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Magdalene Initiation — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.
More Praise for Elayne Kalila Doughty…

“She deeply connects with all…”
She is stunning in her grace, ease, and flow. She glides onto the stage and immediately jumps into a deep, soulful transparency that is beautiful. She deeply connects with all, touching everyone in the audience, making friends across all barriers; she has a natural ability to touch the room. Elayne Kalila is effortless in her ability to bring depth, connection, the hard questions, and delightful playfulness all in one package. She has it all. Whether to a room of 40 or a room of 4,000, Elayne Kalila can touch and transform your audience.
— Lisa Nichols, New York Times bestselling author of No Matter What, featured teacher in The Secret, and world-renowned speaker
“Elayne Kalila walks her path with passionate integrity and a truly abundant heart.”
Elayne Kalila Doughty is the walking, talking, breathing embodiment of what it means to be a modern-day priestess. Her decades of professional training, deep study, and commitment to women’s awakening is as obvious when you encounter her as her magnificent red hair. Elayne Kalila walks her path with passionate integrity and a truly abundant heart. Being a “priestess” isn’t some trendy new label to adopt; if you are a serious practitioner looking for mentoring on the authentic path of what it means to priestess, you would be well-served to lean in here.
— Lisa Schrader, Awakening Shakti
“There are those rare individuals who truly walk their talk…”
There are those rare individuals who truly walk their talk; Elayne Kalila not only does this with embodied grace, but equally with vigilant, tender consideration of the hearts of all who come within her community. Being a part of an impeccable and profound container, especially now during these turbulent times. will serve any who are called to walk the Priestess Path with the practical, grounded, and masterful guidance of one of the rare living priestesses of our time.
— Dr. Saida Desilets, author of Desire and advocate of sexual sovereignty
About Elayne Kalila Doughty

Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past 30 years, inspiring women around the world to unleash their leadership gifts and step into their full potential. She specializes in helping women tap into their deepest wisdom, enabling them to harness their own transformational power to be more effective and whole in every aspect of their lives. She is a psychotherapist, spiritual activist, author, speaker, soul midwife, and ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage.
Elayne Kalila is the founder of the Priestess Presence Temple — Powerful Women Changing the World, which has more than 80,000 women members worldwide. In this dedicated temple of the 13 Moon Mystery School, she offers in-depth Mystery School training for women who are called to ground in real practice, devoted embodiment, and service in the world. She is also the co-founder of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, which trains women as modern-day scent-anointing priestesses. She is passionate about opening the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine into our modern-day lives so all women can step more fully into serving from a place of love, presence, and purpose.
She’s the author of The Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess: Birthing of a New Divine Feminine Archetype and a contributing author to The Path of the Priestess: A Guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine.
Frequently Asked Questions
Note:If you have NOT experienced Elayne Kalila’s 7-module The Magdalene Journey of Feminine Embodiment training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
Note:If you have NOT experienced Elayne Kalila’s 7-module The Magdalene Journey of Feminine Embodiment training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.