With the Founder of the Academy of Oracle Arts &
Co-Founder of Imaginal Community
Isis Indriya

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Explore seven Egyptian divinities and experience the ritual practices they inspired to help you live in a sacred way attuning to cosmic resonance and a higher vibration for personal healing, rebirth, and societal transformation.

Learn how to build relationships between humanity, the natural world, and the divine realms, so you can play your part in bridging heaven and earth in this life and as your sacred legacy.


Imagine how sacred your human existence would feel if you had heightened awareness of what your lasting impact might be, long after your life has ended.

Isis Indriya, founder of the Academy of Oracle Arts, co-founder of Imaginal Community, and educator of Egyptian mystery teachings, can connect you to divinities and the natural world...

... enabling you to co-shape a new reality committed to cosmic truth and integrity and to become a steward of the sacred in your everyday life.

Egypt is a significant source and inspiration for modern spirituality.

From sound-healing technologies... to ritual practices and initiations... to cosmological activations...

... gaining wisdom and guidance from ancient Egyptian divinities can help you attune to a cosmic resonance and the remembrance that you are not alone.

If you’d like to gain a deeper understanding of Egypt and how its cosmology, divinities, and practices might empower your current life and create your benevolent legacy...

... Isis can offer you a powerful gateway into authentic wisdom transmissions from ancient Khemet (the original name for Egypt).

Join Isis in her 7-module video course.

She’ll guide you through seven Egyptian divinities, often thought of as gods and goddesses, who represent the Neteru the cosmic divine principles of creation to awaken your own divine nature.

You’ll come to see yourself as an instrument a vessel of divine principles as you understand, connect, and embody the transmissions of these divinities and your role in the transformation of our planet.

As you call upon them, they come into existence through you and help you live in a more sacred, aligned, and relational way with the Divine and the natural world.

When this life is over, your soul becomes vital nourishment not only for generations to come, but for the natural world and the cosmic realms.

Isis’ intricate teachings bring ancient wisdom into modern-day illumination and practical action.

Experience for yourself the level of sophistication of Egypt’s ancient culture, and how it exists today through the sacred architecture of the temples.

Discover how the temples themselves map out the interdependent relationships between cosmic, natural, and human realms bridging heaven and earth.

In every session, Isis will walk you through profound Egyptian origin teachings and lead you through important rituals, each associated with a corresponding divinity.

These rituals help you build your relationship with the land where you live and the cosmic beings that can assist you.

Use them regularly to strengthen, empower, and assist you in harnessing your inner warrior in the service of healing and transformation.

When we live according to divine principles of integrity and truth, shares Isis, we’re universally supported to heal and connect with our own life force.

That helps us consciously and coherently co-shape the future and serve the highest good of every being’s evolution human, natural, and cosmic now and long after our life has ended.

You’ll realize that your support network is larger than the human realm and learn how to interact with the divine and natural worlds to assist in your own transformation and the evolution of the collective.


During this course of wisdom and ritual practice, you’ll discover:

  • The Neteru, divine principles that govern the universe and embrace the principle of life, death, and rebirth
  • How to awaken your divine nature and open the different intelligences of your body, to hear and commune with the cosmic realms so you can co-shape with cosmic principles
  • Your body as a mirror of the sacred temples and the Divine
  • The art of transformation the process of becoming good nourishment for future generations after we die and how to apply it in your personal journey
  • Magical ritual practices in every module, including preparatory rites for grounding and calling in spiritual energies, and come to recognize ritual workings as a way of life
  • Ancient texts that provide insights into fundamental principles of the universe
  • Profound concepts of the afterlife and the Duat the Egyptian underworld where the journey of the soul unfolds
  • New, nondualistic perspectives and co-creative pathways, and cultivation of gratitude and praise for your life
  • How to fulfill your transformational purpose and become part of the cycle of eternity
  • The transmission and preservation of ancient Egypt’s mystical origin teachings over time through a variety of divinities and how they’re still relevant today and adaptable to the human experience during turbulent times
  • A deeper understanding of ancient Egypt/Khemet, its temples, and their importance for creating harmony, balance, and peace on Earth today
  • And much more...

Drawing on her vast experience in Egypt mythology, Isis will distill the essence of the wisdom of different divinities, including how principles were evoked and reinforced with sacred architecture and embodied through ritual arts.

As this course unfolds, feel the rich history and spirituality of Egypt in the core of your being through the power of hieroglyphics, the magic of language, the human connection to constellations, and the honoring of life and death itself.

Receive clear guidance through Egyptian myths multi-leveled stories that speak of the power of death, rebirth, and journeying through the afterlife and discern how Egyptian divinities offer unique prisms on awakened consciousness.

Explore the concept of cosmic truth and protocols value systems that relate to your place in the cosmos and how the soul journeys after the body dies.

Discover how to apply cosmic understanding to your everyday life as Isis reveals creation principles and guides to become a conscious creator yourself.

Walk away from this program feeling more connected, finding the light in these darker times.

Grasp what your role is in the cycle of life, death, and rebirth and how, over time, humans become part of necessary universal shifts.

Perhaps most importantly, experience yourself as part of one supportive community comprised of human, natural, and divine realms...

... and learn how to maintain your relationships between these worlds for a transformed life and an ever-evolving, interdependent universal system.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational course, Isis will guide you through how to maintain relationships between human, natural, and divine realms, so you can become benevolent “food” for the evolution of humanity and the cosmos long after your life has ended.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Isis. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to connect with Egyptian divinities and the Neteru divine principles so you can draw on a supportive cosmic team and learn to live your life in a sacred, high-vibrational way.

Module 1: Connect to Auset (Isis or “Throne”) to Co-Shape With the Non-Human Realm & Awaken Your Divine Nature


Isis begins with an exploration of Auset or the name that might be more familiar to you, Isis, meaning “throne.”

Learn about the profound mystery teachings of the Holy Mother as they relate to the timeless and enchanting landscape of Egypt and the sacred Nile.

She’ll guide you through the past and present of this mystical land, and see how the ancient wisdom of Egypt meets our modern understanding.

Walk through the Four Schools of Thought the lineage of training in the mystery teachings.

In this module, Isis will unravel the functions of the Triadic Relationships shifting her perspective away from a dualistic way of existing into something more co-creative and reveal how they manifest as heaven on earth.

Come to understand the unique perspective of humans as theurgists (magicians), bridging the gap between earthly and divine realms.

Learn about the Neteru divine principles that govern the universe and embrace the principle of life, death, and rebirth. Isis will also unveil the art of transformation and how to apply these profound teachings in ritual practices.

Explore preparatory rites, focusing on grounding and calling in, to prepare you for a deep and transformative journey.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the rich history and spirituality of Egypt and the Nile, including the use of hieroglyphics
  • Understand the Four Schools of Thought and their significance in ancient Egyptian mysticism
  • Grasp the functions of Triadic Relationships and how they symbolize the harmony of heaven and earth
  • Recognize humans as theurgists, able to connect with divine energies
  • Learn about the Neteru, the divine entities shaping the universe
  • Embrace the principle of life, death, and rebirth a core concept in Egyptian spirituality
  • Discover the art of transformation the process of becoming good nourishment when we die for future generations and how to apply it in your personal journey
  • Engage in magical ritual practices, including preparatory rites, for grounding and calling in spiritual energies and begin to recognize ritual workings as a way of life

Module 2: Connect to Tehuti (aka Djehuti or Thoth), “Master of Divine Words & Sacred Writings,” to Become a More Conscious Creator & Manifestor


Journey into the enigmatic Mystery Teachings of the Ages, delving into the wisdom of Tehuti, the ancient Egyptian divinity also known as Djehuti or Thoth.

Discover how and why these profound teachings were passed down through generations and meticulously preserved for our understanding.

Isis will unearth the significance of texts like the Emerald Tablet and the Kybalion, which provide insights into the fundamental principles of the universe.

Explore the intriguing world of the Shemsu Hor followers of Horus the custodians of these teachings. Uncover the function and role of the scribe and the Akashic Records, where the history of all souls is stored.

Isis will guide you through the Principle of the Word and Language as Divine Utterance, highlighting the sacredness of language.

Engage in ritual applications and automatic writing practices to connect with the divine wisdom that flows through the teachings of Tehuti.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Uncover the ancient wisdom encapsulated in the Mystery Teachings of the Ages the Kybalion
  • Understand the transmission and preservation of these mystical origin teachings over time and how they’re still relevant today and adaptable to the human experience during turbulent times
  • Explore the significance of the Emerald Tablet (the code of creation principles) and the Kybalion (the principles themselves) in elucidating universal principles
  • Learn about the carriers of the mystery teachings and their role in preserving sacred knowledge
  • Grasp the function and role of the scribe, the concept of the Akashic Records, and how you can become a transmitter of transmissions
  • Discover the power of the Principle of the Word and Language as Divine Utterance
  • Develop your automatic writing skills as a means to connect with divine wisdom and universal truths
  • Engage in a guided ritual into the temple, followed by an automatic writing practice that brings these teachings to life

Module 3: Connect to Ausar (Osiris, or “Coffin”) to Fulfill Your Transformational Purpose & Become Part of the Cycle of Eternity


Isis will invite you to embark on an immersive journey into the timeless myth of Ausar and Auset (Osiris and Isis) to understand the significance of the Epagomenal Days.

Explore the profound concepts of the afterlife and the Duat the Egyptian underworld where the journey of the soul unfolds.

Isis will walk you through the symbolism of the Djed (where the term Jedi comes from!) the backbone of Osiris and its connection to the World Tree, which serves as a bridge between earthly and spiritual realms.

Dive into the mysteries of the Orion star system, intricately tied to the mythology of Ausar. Isis will help you embrace the Principle of Resurrection and Regeneration, as you learn to perceive life’s cyclical nature.

Be guided through ritual applications, including the Djed ritual, the significance of the rod, and the sacredness of a tree on the land all of which help you connect with these profound teachings on a personal level.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the timeless tale of Ausar/Osiris and Auset/Isis and its connections to the Epagomenal Days, recognizing your choice to be here for a reason to bridge the separation of self and humanity into wholeness so you can become a good offering to life, moving forward
  • Understand the Egyptian concept of the afterlife and the journey of the soul in the Duat (where the soul goes when we die)
  • Grasp the symbolism of the Djed, which applies to our spine, central pillar, and central column
  • Discover the cosmic significance of the Orion star system within Egyptian mythology a journey of initiation that’s related to the pyramids as a gateway for souls to enter and exit other realms
  • Embrace the Principle of Resurrection and Regeneration, highlighting the cyclical nature of existence, in which we enter the afterlife to face our shadows so we can become good “food” for the future
  • Engage in ritual applications, including the Djed ritual, the symbolism of the rod, and the sacred significance of a tree on the land
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries and symbolism surrounding the Ausar myth and its relevance in spiritual practice

Module 4: Connect to Set and Heru (Horus) to Open Your Eyes to New Pathways & Cultivate Gratitude and Praise for Your Life


Isis will take you on a profound exploration of the Mystery Teachings of Chaos and Order, unraveling the intricate interplay of these forces in Egyptian cosmology.

Journey through the fascinating narrative of the Sun and the Family of Ra, examining the mystical figure of Ra-Horakty, who resides in the celestial body of Nut.

Explore the concept of Solar Transmissions and the Lineages of Light, illuminating the divine heritage that connects us to the cosmos.

Isis will guide you into the symbolism of the Eyes of Heru and the role of the glands of the brain in perceiving spiritual truths. She’ll also emphasize the Principle of Leadership and how it’s exemplified in these cosmic archetypes.

Engage again in ritual applications, including practices like Luminous Light and Sunrise and Sunset Adorations to Ra, to align yourself with these powerful cosmic energies.

Cultivate praise, adoration, and gratitude as a way of being, which builds a bridge of communication between the intelligence of the divine will, the natural world, and humanity.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Come to understand the intricate balance between Chaos and Order in the Mystery Teachings
  • Follow the journey of the Sun and the divine Family of Ra in Egyptian mythology
  • Explore the concept of Solar Transmissions and the Lineages of Light connecting humanity to the cosmos
  • Explore the symbolism of the Eyes of Heru and the role of the brain’s glands in spiritual insight
  • Embrace the Principle of Leadership and how it manifests in cosmic archetypes
  • Engage in ritual practices, including Luminous Light and Sunrise and Sunset Adorations to Ra, to connect with and harness these cosmic energies for personal transformation and understanding

Module 5: Connect to Het-Hert (Hathor), “Lady of Heaven,” to Use Your Body Intelligence to Communicate & Co-Create With Cosmic Principles


Embark on a celestial journey to explore the profound Mystery Teachings of the Celestial Realms.

Het-Hert, also known as Hathor, serves as your guide to understanding the mysteries of the “Lady of Heaven.”

Isis will introduce you to the concept of Hieros Gamos the sacred marriage of divine energies, and how it influences the cosmos.

Delve into divination and astrology, discovering their significance in deciphering the cosmic plan.

Explore the power of sound and movement as instruments for creation principles, and the concept of Cosmic Resonance and Cosmological Mapping Systems.

Isis will reveal the secrets of the Dream Temple and its connection to the Pleiadian Star System. She’ll help you embrace the Principle of Fertility of the Great Mother, understanding the cosmic forces that shape life.

Experience a wide range of ritual applications, including the Rite to Adore.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Open the different intelligences of your body to hear and commune with the cosmic realms, so you can start to co-shape with cosmic principles
  • Explore the profound Mystery Teachings of Het-Hert, the “Lady of the House” and “Lady of Heaven,” with the inclusion of hieroglyphics for deeper understanding
  • Understand the significance of Hieros Gamos and its role in the cosmic order
  • Delve into divination and astrology as tools for deciphering the cosmic plan
  • Learn how sound and movement serve as instruments for creation principles in the cosmos
  • Explore the concept of Cosmic Resonance and Cosmological Mapping Systems
  • Understand the Dream Temple and its connection to the Pleiadian Star System
  • Embrace the Principle of Fertility of the Great Mother and its influence on life
  • Engage in a variety of ritual applications, including the Rite to Adore, to connect with these celestial energies and teachings

Module 6: Connect With Sesheta (Seshat) to Recognize Your Body as a Mirror of the Sacred Temples & the Divine


Isis will guide you on a profound exploration of the Mystery Teachings of the Body of the Cosmos within the sacred temples.

Sesheta, ancient Egyptian goddess of wisdom and knowledge, guides you on a journey to unveil the mysteries of the cosmos as they are mirrored in the temple structures.

Explore the initiation process and the transformative journey of the initiate within these sacred spaces.

Learn how the temples represent the Body of Ausar (Osiris) and the intricate connection between the anatomy of the temples and the anatomy of the Neter (divine beings).

This session emphasizes the importance of bringing consciousness back into wholeness through temple practices. Isis will share about the Temples of Stellar, Lunar, and Solar Light and how they align with cosmic forces.

Embrace the Principle of Manifestation through the Architecture of Cosmic Forces, unlocking the power of these sacred spaces.

Isis will also guide you through ritual applications, including an altar-crafting practice, allowing you to connect with the divine wisdom held within these temple structures.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the profound Mystery Teachings of Sesheta, the goddess of wisdom
  • Understand how the Body of the Cosmos is reflected in the design and purpose of sacred temples
  • Recognize the temples as embodiments of the Body of Ausar, emphasizing their spiritual significance
  • Discern that the body is a temple mirroring the body of the temples and the celestial realms
  • Discover the Temples of Stellar, Lunar, and Solar Light and their alignment with cosmic forces
  • Grasp the initiation process and the transformative journey experienced by initiates within temple walls
  • Examine the connection between temple architecture and the anatomy of the Neter, the divine beings
  • Learn the importance of bringing consciousness back into wholeness through temple practices
  • Embrace the Principle of Manifestation through the Architecture of Cosmic Forces, harnessing the power of temple rituals
  • Engage in ritual applications, including an altar crafting practice, to deepen your connection with the wisdom held within these sacred temple spaces

Module 7: Connect to Nebt-Het (Anubis), “Lady of the House,” to Commune With the Sacred & Build a Ritual Way of Life


Delve into the profound Mystery Teachings of Ritual Technologies under the guidance of Neith, a warrior goddess

Isis will uncover the esoteric art of Theurgy, exploring how theurgists serve as intermediaries, making offerings from the natural to the divine realms.

Discern between rites, rituals, and ceremonies, understanding their necessity and how to identify when each is appropriate.

Explore Heka the ancient Egyptian magic, and the Art of Magicianship which empowers you to influence reality through spiritual means.

Discover the Anpu moment, weaving the unseen into your practice and acknowledging the unseen forces that shape existence.

Recognize the mysteries of the Sirius star system and their cosmic significance, and embrace the Principle of Intuition and Unseen Forces, allowing you to access the hidden wisdom of the universe.

Isis will guide you in practical ritual applications, including meditation and the creation of interior temple spaces, enhancing your connection with the mystical teachings of Neith.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Recognize how to maintain the relationships between the natural, human, and divine realms and build a ritual way of life
  • Explore the profound Mystery Teachings of Ritual Technologies under the guidance of Neith, the “Lady of the House”
  • Understand the esoteric art of Theurgy and the role of theurgists as intermediaries
  • Make offerings from the natural to the divine realms as a human theurgist
  • Distinguish between rites, rituals, and ceremonies, understanding when each is necessary
  • Delve into the ancient Egyptian magic, Heka, and the Art of Magicianship
  • Acknowledge the Anpu moment, weaving the unseen into your practice and recognizing unseen forces
  • Explore the cosmic significance of the Sirius star system
  • Embrace the Principle of Intuition and Unseen Forces, unlocking hidden cosmic wisdom
  • Engage in practical ritual applications, including a divination from Isis


The Ancient Egyptian Cosmology & Ritual Arts Bonus Offering

In addition to Isis’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus collection to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Keys to Ancient Egyptian Symbols
PDF Excerpt From the Book Keys to Ancient Egypt Symbols by Isis Indriya

As a special preview of next October’s Sacred Journey to Egypt pilgrimage, you’ll receive the first four pages of the upcoming ebook Keys to Ancient Egypt Symbols. Dive into the secrets of these ancient symbols and explore the hidden wisdom they hold. Reveal the esoteric meanings of emblems like the Ankh and Eye of Heru. Uncover the hidden knowledge within each icon, unlocking insights. Use this PDF as your gateway into Egypt's mystical traditions, unveiling the mysteries of this magical culture and diving further into the journey of remembrance now.


Ma’at Ritual for Cosmic Alignment
PDF Guide From Isis Indriya

Delve into the ancient wisdom of Ma’at, the Egyptian Neteru embodying cosmic law, truth, and order, with this exclusive ritual PDF. This carefully crafted guide invites you to practice opening the Eye of Ma’at, forging a deep connection with cosmic principles. Explore the teachings of the feather of Shu, the ostrich, symbolizing justice and balance. This transformative ritual is meant to align you with the cosmic forces of truth and order. Be prepared to embark on a journey toward harmony and enlightenment.


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What Graduates of Isis’ Courses Are Saying...

“Isis is an amazing instructor that draws you in with her extensive knowledge on ritual and divination.”

Isis is an amazing instructor that draws you in with her extensive knowledge on ritual and divination. Her experiential exercises were always phenomenal and her reading of the divination board was absolutely astounding. Isis provided so much information to uplevel my ritual and divination skills. I highly recommend Isis for both her teaching and divination skills. She is truly connected to the Divine that is all around us.
Michelle, Port Coquitlam, Canada

“It has been an honor to learn from Isis she shares her wisdom and knowledge in the most humble way.”

Taking this course has been the first step in strengthening my prayer ritual as well as my connection to the Divine. I already feel closer to my departing loved ones and know that our communication will only continue to strengthen. It has been an honor to learn from Isis she shares her wisdom and knowledge in the most humble way.
Christanne Rose, Maui, Hawaii

“This course was absolutely overflowing with beauty, wisdom, consciousness, and sacred insight.”

This course was absolutely overflowing with beauty, wisdom, consciousness, and sacred insight. Isis, with her gentle yet powerful presence, modeled an embodied woman, whose intention was to live a life of sacred beauty and aligned co-creation with The Divine. Her teaching style is clear, precise, straightforward yet humble and saturated with depth. I enjoyed every session to the hilt. The Shift Team also blew me away, because the organization of the entire seven weeks was seamless, clear, and FULL of support. There was literally never a tech glitch or a question that wasn’t answered. The gentle authority that they held, administratively speaking, created a container that allowed for the spirit of creativity and trust to flow unrestricted. I’m beyond pleased with my investment in this course, and have already signed up for my next one, ha! Well done!
Mari-Ange Ramirez, Los Angeles, California

“Isis carries and shares the teachings in such a unique way... I loved learning from her.”

Isis carries and shares the teachings in such a unique way... I loved learning from her. It was deep, eloquent, grounded knowledge-sharing, yet spoken from a place of humility. It was a blessing. That kind of role modeling by a woman is what the world needs now.
Mila, Portland, Oregon

“Everything was held with integrity and Isis was the most amazing teacher.”

This was a really deep and magical course. It felt more than the usual online classes you get. Everything was held with integrity and Isis was the most amazing teacher. I’m so impressed with The Shift Network and wouldn’t hesitate to do another class.
Randeep, Manchester, England


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Isis Indriya

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Isis Indriya, founder of the Academy of Oracle Arts and co-founder of Imaginal Community from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and will guide you to learn about Egyptian divinities and the ritual practices they inspired to help you live in a sacred way in your everyday life attuning to cosmic resonance and a higher vibration for universal rebirth and rejuvenation.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Ancient Egyptian Cosmology & Ritual Arts Bonus Collection
  • Keys to Ancient Egyptian Symbols
    Ebook From Isis Indriya
  • Ma’at Ritual for Cosmic Alignment
    PDF Guide From Isis Indriya

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Ancient Egyptian Cosmology & Ritual Arts


We feel honored that Isis Indriya has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the founder of the Academy of Oracle Arts and co-founder of Imaginal Community, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about playing your part in bridging heaven and earth in this life and as your sacred legacy then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.



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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Ancient Egyptian Cosmology & Ritual Arts or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Isis Indriya...

“She is masterful in her communication, integrity, science, art, wisdom, and ritual.”

Isis Indriya has been one of my teachers, mentors, and guides for 10 years. To put into words the spiritual growth and evolution I have experienced from her care would be impossible. She is masterful in her communication, integrity, science, art, wisdom, and ritual. Not only is she a master, but she finds the most powerful masters, wisdom keepers, and elders from across the world to be a part of her global community. Studying with her is not just studying with a teacher, it is choosing to study with the world. So many schools and teachers want to own their students or be worshiped. Over the last decade I have watched Isis silently transform thousands of souls never needing to be witnessed. Her work speaks for itself and her students are the people that will create massive change and have global impact. Choosing her was one of the best decisions I made for my life and is a leading force in how I treat my patients.
Dr. Sheila Marie Campbell, doctor of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, West Hollywood, California

“... her eloquence and grace is beautiful to witness...”

Isis Indriya is an incredible teacher in Imaginal Community; her eloquence and grace is beautiful to witness and her practical approach to teaching feels beneficial and relevant to the student in so many ways. The community looks up to Isis and the wisdom that she shares. She has taught the art of ritual, divination, and the ways of ceremony. Isis has also been instrumental in my own personal growth in the ritual space, which has deepened my relationship with the Divine and connection to Spirit.
Brooke Brash

“I have seen profound transformation with her teachings.”

Isis has created more beauty in my life. She walks, lives, and breathes ritual, because ritual is a way of life. She has broadened my horizons in so many ways, and expanded my consciousness in extraordinary ways. The way that she has reintroduced and reprogrammed prayer into my life has brought me into more alignment with my personal life as well as my professional life. She brings the highest potential out of people and extracts beautiful talent out of the community. I have seen profound transformation with her teachings. I am so deeply grateful and honored to have her as a guide and mentor.
Saniah Foy

“Isis Indriya has to be one of the most inspiring and foremost women and humans in our growing global conscious community.”

Isis Indriya has to be one of the most inspiring and foremost women and humans in our growing global conscious community. I’ve been blessed to sit before her in her divination workshops and some of her oracle arts courses, including ones specializing in Egyptian mysticism, and she is truly revolutionizing the world and study of ritual arts. I’ve also been honored to share sacred ceremonial and ritual space together, including within one of her educational and ritual platforms called Imaginal Community, and they have been among the most profound works I’ve ever collaborated on. Isis is an incredible teacher, truly embodying the wisdom of ritual and oracle arts, and I believe anything she creates and shares has the power to impact the world with significant positivity.
Giselle Real-d’Arbelles

“I am so grateful to have found Isis, a true oracle and inspiring educator.”

The way that Isis Indriya guides one through the studies of the sacred is truly an art form. Her ability to weave together such depth of knowledge and oracular speech provides the most beautifully cohesive and deep experiences. Through Isis’ teachings and ritual leadership, I have been able to tap into a memory palace filled with defining moments and growth in extraordinary ways. I am so grateful to have found Isis, a true oracle and inspiring educator.
Celina Barrera


About Isis Indriya

Dedicated to a life of prayer, culture, and community building, Isis Indriya is an educator of Egyptian mystery teachings and founder of Academy of Oracle Arts, where she teaches many classes alongside other luminaries. She offers classes in Ritual, Divination, Egyptian Cosmology, and Hermeticism, as well as a 9-month Apprenticeship program in Oracular Arts.

She also leads annual pilgrimages to Egypt, hosts community gatherings in Northern California, is co-founder of Imaginal Community (an online virtual temple), and is a lead producer of The Compass at Lightning in a Bottle Festival.

Born in Mesa, Arizona, and raised on the island of Guam, Isis’ journey into ancient mystery studies and sacred sciences began at a young age after the loss of her mother, driving her passion for cultural exchange and inner transformation. As a bridge builder, she connects generations to wisdom carriers of various traditions, fostering cultural and social evolution at both local and global levels.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.


