With Energy Medicine Healer & Medium
Marie Manuchehri, RN

New 12-Week Live Video Course Starts
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
PLUS Marie’s 7-Module Introductory Program!

Embody the higher vibrations of love, beauty, and appreciation to awaken your mediumship gifts and build trust with the Universe and the power of your energy to receive and interpret multisensory messages.

Discover how you’re blocking your intuition and take powerful steps to dissolve your blocks, expand your intuition, and connect with greater ease and efficiency with the Other Side.


Did you know that your vibration is the deciding factor on how effectively you’re able to connect with and translate messages from the unseen world?

Clairvoyant medium and energy medicine healer Marie Manuchehri says the vibration of self-love in particular opens many portals to dimensions beyond the physical beginning with our own intuitive abilities. 

Too often, we struggle to fully accept and love ourselves, which is a surefire way to block the messages that are trying to reach us from helping spirits in the nonphysical… 

Love is the bridge that connects the physical and spiritual beyond space and time and allows us to remain in communication with those who have crossed to the Other Side.

If you’re unsure about the meaning of the intuitive messages you’re receiving or who they are from, Marie teaches that the vibration of love is a tool that can help you gain deeper clarity, connection, and trust.

Through love and other higher vibrations and perceptions, you can expand your intuition and multisensory abilities... connect more consistently with the deeper messages of the Universe... and tangibly feel the support of loved ones and other guiding spirits of the nonphysical, including your higher self.

You’ll have a chance to learn Marie’s most effective practices for upgrading your intuition, connecting with the spirit world, and accurately translating its messages during her 12-week mediumship course, including meditations and Qigong practices that help you shift into a higher vibratory state and attune to your innate multisensory abilities.

Marie is a beloved and highly regarded faculty member at The Shift Network who has already taught thousands of Shift students how to activate their medical intuitive and multisensory awareness abilities.

As she guides you on how to embody self-love, beauty, appreciation, truth, and other higher-octave frequencies during this course, you’ll align with the vibration of the Universe which is composed of these very frequencies.

This alignment opens a new line of communication that will plunge you ever deeper into the multisensory world...

... as your intuition begins to quiet the mind and you release the mental constructs that are blocking your potential for channeling meaningful messages from the spirit world.

Just imagine how wonderful it will be to receive clear messages from the spirit world and be able to translate their meaning for yourself and others with depth, confidence, and ease.


During Marie’s mediumship course, you’ll:

  • Activate your multisensory abilities by shifting into higher vibrations, deepening communication with the Universe, and trusting the intuitive messages you receive
  • Discover how Source, Creation, God, Goddesses, and the Universe experience you
  • Learn Qigong practices to activate multisensory awareness, allow more loving energy into your body, quiet the mind, relax your neurological system, create intuitive focus, and more
  • Be guided in meditations to experience how your life will look in the future when self-love is churning in your body... know beauty in all things... let go of time... embrace resistance... understand the anxiety complex... see, hear, or know universal love... and more
  • Experience the vibration of self-love to activate transformation and bring your entire energy system closer to your all-knowing higher self
  • Encounter beauty as the place where your insight and your ability to translate insight lives for the Universe only sees beauty
  • Discover how the Universe is simply waiting for you to stop trying to figure it out with your mind so that your intuition can take over
  • Explore why reaching a state of high vibration is an act that opens many portals to the unseen world and its helpers
  • Uncover your most common form of resistance and expand your intuitive gifts by facing it
  • Enlist the help of your logical mind to be in the present moment and slip into a world of multisensory bliss
  • Learn why writing down an intuitive experience can capture its deeper meaning

Referred to as a down-to-earth, jubilant, and inspiring teacher by previous students, Marie discovered her mediumship skills while working as an oncology nurse.

She’s since helped thousands around the world expand their intuition and connect with the spirit world by teaching them how to shift into more expansive states of being and accurately translate intuitive messages.

You’ll release what’s blocking your intuition fear, man-made emotions, the logical mind, and time...

... and learn how to harness the true functions of the mind and your intuition to anchor in the present moment, catalyze your mediumship gifts, and increase your accuracy in translating intuitive information.

You’ll discover how to use inner resistance and emotions as a doorway to new information that can actually heighten your multisensory awareness...

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how the Universe communicates with you specifically as you gain confidence in the messages you’re receiving and begin to wholeheartedly follow them as higher guidance for yourself and others...

And, you’ll master the art of letting go which actually propels your intuition forward as it tells the Universe that you’re ready to receive more information.

Ultimately, you’ll expand your intuition and mediumship gifts as you embody the vibration of the Universe itself and begin to see yourself as Spirit sees you...

... a beautiful multidimensional being who is divinely designed to connect with spirits in the nonphysical world and deliver its healing messages.

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Weeks

In this 12-week transformational course, Marie will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to activate your multisensory and mediumship gifts and build trust in the multisensory messages you’re receiving.

Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience


You’ll connect with Marie and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Marie’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Weekly Sessions Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Marie. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to dissolve intuitive blocks and expand your multisensory and mediumship gifts.

If you have not experienced Marie’s teachings before, you’re welcome to join this next-level course but we ask that you complete the foundational 7-module Multisensory Mediumship program on your own as a prerequisite. It will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.

Module 1: Explore Self-Love as the Foundation for Receiving Multisensory Information & Upgrading Your Translating Abilities (February 13)


If only you could see, hear, and feel yourself the way creation experiences you each day.

If you did, your energies, vibration, and maintained frequencies would automatically allow you to enter a deeper understanding of your multisensory talents including the art of translating the unseen world.

This week, you’ll explore how feeling the true vibration of love for self upgrades your translating abilities... and many things about your life.

Marie will share how when your humanness aligns with self-love, your life has no choice but to improve.

You’ll discover:

  • How Source, Creation, God, Goddesses, and the Universe experience you
  • A Qigong practice to allow more loving energy into your body
  • How the vibration of self-love brings your entire energy system closer to your all-knowing higher self
  • How your perception of self requires truth to translate multisensory information well
  • Why reaching a state of high vibration is a loving thing to participate in and an act that opens many portals to the unseen world including many helpers who can assist you when your energy is elevated with ease
  • Self-love practices as a fast transformative adventure
  • A meditation on how your life will look in the future when self-love is churning in your body

Module 2: Learn to Read Yourself to Locate & Release Man-Made Emotions & Shift Into a More Expanded State of Being (February 20)


In the current state of human development, humans experience mind-made emotions and perceive them as authentic emotions. The act of over-thinking is what creates mind-made emotions.

This week, you’ll explore the truth of this interesting paradox, allowing yourself to become curious of how to locate real emotions as a primary step to translating information from the multisensory world.

Having an awareness of these observations will enhance your consciousness on all fronts and allow you to understand what the term “awareness” really means.

Marie will also share why reading yourself and knowing how you really feel at least once a day is critical to translating multisensory information.

You’ll discover:

  • Why fear is a man-made emotion and should not be trusted
  • How real feelings are always calm and learn how to avoid and ignore made-up feelings
  • How feeling authentic emotions allows you to experience multisensory information and translate it correctly
  • The amount of time you waste feeling non-real emotions is astronomical
  • A Qigong practice to release mind-made emotions that are full of anxiety, fear, worry, and doubt
  • A meditation to feel your authentic place of emotions

Module 3: Turn Off the Logical Mind to Turn Up Your Intuition & Multisensory Abilities (February 27)


Insight is not logical. In fact, waiting for your logical mind to understand the multisensory world will create a very long wait.

There is beauty to logical answers while living in a physical reality. But, as Marie explains this week, that beauty does not extend to translating your multisensory awareness.

You’ll explore how to use your logical mind and multisensory awareness differently to inspire wonderful and helpful translations.


  • Learn why logic cannot help you heal inner wounds or support your inner children these activities are purely intuitive
  • Be guided in a Qigong practice to let go of the mind
  • Learn why your mind cannot make sense of your insight and why this means you’re translating perfectly
  • Explore why touching another’s soul with your accurate multisensory awareness is emotional and validating but rarely logical
  • Discover how your logical mind can help you be in the present moment and slip into a world of multisensory bliss
  • Be guided in a meditation to experience beauty in all things

Module 4: Let Go of Time to Access the Wisdom of the Multiverse & Deepen Your Capacity to Translate Messages Accurately (March 5)


Stop caring about the “how, what, when, or why” of situations. Doing so slows down true intuitive understanding and keeps you and humanity away from growth and positive resolution of challenge.

The logical words of “how, what, where, or why” will not be found in the multiverse, for they are based on time.

This week, explore the concept of time as a man-made reality that does not exist, and discover yourself as part of a matrix of the Divine, where uniqueness and creative realities exist.

Marie will also share how letting go of time allows you to accurately translate information.


  • Learn why putting emphasis on timing or the word “why” regarding events to come into your life or events that have already happened will not give you the accurate multisensory evidence you require to evolve
  • Receive a Qigong practice to relax your neurological system
  • Discover the Universe and its multisensory answers as a deeper and more poetic experience than the mind
  • Become aware of how the beauty that you can share and experience through your multisensory translations goes beyond time
  • Be guided in a meditation to let go of time and step into a true reality

Module 5: Follow Your Resistance to Receive More Information & Expand Your Multisensory Awareness (March 12)


There’s power in noticing your resistance, as it allows you to connect to your multisensory awareness quickly.

Marie will share why inner resistance is always telling you to come near not walk away from discomfort or annoyance.

Real resistance is simply your human side feeling uncomfortable with the process of evolution.

Learning to recognize when you’re experiencing resistance opens doors to new information and deepens your ability to translate important messages.


  • Discover your most common form of resistance and practice facing it rather than avoiding the discomfort
  • Be guided in a Qigong practice to feel your authenticity
  • Learn that the human form of awareness is only a tiny thread of what’s true there’s always so much more
  • Embrace your resistance to increase your ability to translate accurate information and make healthier choices
  • Appreciate resistance and explore how its ability to get your attention helps you appreciate even more of the magic of the multiverse
  • Be guided in a meditation to embrace resistance

Module 6: Tune in to Specific Multisensory Messages From the Universe and What They Mean to You to Solidify Your Connection to the Spiritual World (March 19)


The Universe knows how to reach you and the ways in which you specifically will interpret and fully understand its messages.

This higher insight will be communicated through your feelings, vision assessments, and auditory perceptions.

This week, you’ll explore why the messages you receive must first and foremost make sense to you and be translated by your own perceptions.

The multisensory world knows what you think and feel about everything and will use this to communicate with you.

Marie will share why it’s important not to try to figure out what the person you’re reading for thinks or feels about the image, auditory sensation, or feelings and very important to get clear about what you feel about it.


  • Explore how the Universe works directly with you and is invested in your success
  • Ask yourself what certain things mean to you like the color purple, for example
  • Be guided in a Qigong practice to connect with your feelings
  • Allow your emotions to come through when expressing your feelings about an image, voice, or feeling for someone you’re reading for
  • Discover why your perceptions are the tool in the process of translation
  • Be guided in a meditation to receive clarity about your feelings and intuition

Module 7: Document Your Intuitive Perceptions for Quick Access to Their Wisdom & Block Interference From the Logical Mind (March 26)


Documenting your intuitive perceptions auditory sensations, visualizations, or feelings by simply journaling them, even if you never read them again, will embed the information deep into your cells.

This allows you to quickly access an intuitive, receptive state by harnessing the feelings that arose with the moment of the insight and also block the logical mind’s fear and anxiety complex so you may return your energy to the balance it desires.

You’ll also explore the hara line a line of energy that runs through the middle of your body, parallel to your chakras, from above your head and down through to the core of the Earth. If your hara line is aligned properly, you will be aligned with integrity, power, and purpose.

This week, you’ll:

  • Explore what the hara line means regarding balance and how all translations are harmonious with our life needs
  • Be guided in a Qigong practice to balance the hara line where the wisdom of your higher self resides
  • Learn why writing down an intuitive experience can capture its deeper meaning
  • Write down an insight to create room for more information to be translated through you
  • Discover that everyone is a channel of knowledge
  • Be guided in a meditation to understand the anxiety complex

Module 8: Pay Attention to Repeating Information & Express It to Expand Receptivity to the Spiritual World (April 2)


To honor your multisensory awareness is to express it, especially when it keeps repeating itself to you.

Marie will share why it’s important not to hold on to multisensory information for months or years or wait until you feel you have the complete picture...

... including how when you don’t express multisensory information, a roadblock is created and the full translation may not be available later.

You’ll also practice the art of intuitive expression, and in doing so, will change your world and how you engage within it as more information floods into your consciousness.


  • Explore why the Universe often shows you an answer more than once so you’ll learn the translation
  • Be guided in a Qigong practice to create intuitive focus
  • Discover how the Universe understands that the human ego is drenched in fear and will go out of its way to express the best solution repeatedly
  • Align with the multisensory world, which knows what your client, family member, or partner needs to hear your job is simply to express it
  • Learn to be present with your insight as if you are reading the information from a book
  • Be guided in a meditation to revisit past insight

Module 9: Learn to See the Beauty in All Things to Align With the Vibration of the Universe & Receive Deeper Insights (April 9)


Aligning with the vibration of the Universe which sees beauty in all things allows your multisensory abilities to shine through.

As you do, you will quickly learn to escape the logical mind’s answers and become curious about the Universe’s perception.

There are no mistakes, as Marie teaches. We are all doing the best we can.

This week, you’ll:

  • Discover how beauty is where your insight and your ability to translate insight lives for the Universe only sees beauty
  • Be guided in a Qigong practice to align with the vibration of indescribable beauty
  • Explore how the mind’s difficult time understanding the true meaning of beauty is a clue for you if the beauty is missing, then insight may not be near
  • Learn why making a change requires you to see the beauty of something you wish would go away
  • Be guided in a meditation to see, hear, or know universal love

Module 10: Deepen Communication With the Universe & Increase Your Access to the Vast Information Available to You Right Now (April 16)


Allowing your energy to walk towards intuitive information lets the Universe know you’d like to receive more.

Marie will share why following your intuition actually deepens the bond and communication you have with the Universe...

... and why waiting to have all the information before expanding your curiosity blocks your intuitive flow.

You’ll explore how allowing your energy to express when neutral feelings, visions, or auditory sensation appear tells the Universe that you want more insight and that you’re ready for more information.


  • Discover how shifting your awareness towards insight expands understanding
  • Be guided in a Qigong practice to become receptive to the multisensory world
  • Learn how to get curious about the vibration of the multisensory world
  • Discover that the amount of information that’s available to you is vast
  • Learn how to unleash your energy to merge with the Divine
  • Be guided in a meditation to move your energy towards the unseen world

Module 11: Allow Intuitive Information to Quiet and Reprogram the Mind for Clarity and a Heightened Connection With the Unseen World (April 23)


Your mind truly loves being empty. This week, you’ll go deeper into the constructs of the mind to free yourself of them...

... and embody the truth that the logical mind will never understand intuition, for it will never agree with its magic.

Marie will share how mental confusion is actually a powerful sign that you’re on the right track and how channeling intuitive information quiets the mind yet increases your functional capacity.

The mind knows that overthinking is unhealthy it’s simply waiting for you to understand this truth.

This week, you’ll:

  • Learn why an empty mind is a healthy mind
  • Be guided in a Qigong practice to activate healthy adrenals
  • Explore how real logic is easy for the brain to comprehend and it’s all the information that the mind needs to function
  • Learn why your body will have more energy for its health and wellbeing if you only use your brain for logical activities
  • Be guided in a mediation to enjoy a silent mind

Module 12: Explore Your Soul as a Genius With Genius Solutions to Boost Your Mediumship Abilities & Translate Messages With Ease (April 30)


Don’t focus on what you’re letting go of, simply let go. This week, discover how letting go is not giving up but rather getting your mind out of the way so you can follow intuitive hunches and allow deeper understanding of something that seems difficult to change.

Marie will share how when you feel stuck, you haven’t hit on the highest solution yet even your true desire likely doesn’t exist in your awareness.

You’ll explore how letting go can wipe the whiteboard of your mind clean and allow you to become creative so that what you truly desire and solutions can come through.

This week, you’ll:

  • Discover how over-focusing on how things should be is a complete waste of time
  • Be guided in a Qigong practice to activate multisensory awareness
  • Explore your soul as a genius with genius solutions for every subject and how you will translate these solutions with ease once you let go of how things must be
  • Learn why you’re on the right track when letting go feels like you’re giving up
  • Discover how the Universe is simply waiting for you to stop trying to figure it out with your mind so that your intuition can take over
  • Be guided in a meditation to attract the best solutions

Marie’s Multisensory Mediumship Introductory Course Is Included!


This intensive builds upon the core teachings from the 7-module program, Multisensory Mediumship. When you purchase the 12-module intensive, you’ll gain access to this powerful resource upon purchase and can begin immediately. You won’t need to complete all modules before starting, but they will provide you with all prerequisite teachings for this advanced course.

In this 7-module introductory program, you can become an energetic bridge between worlds and nourish your soul by fostering profound connections with loved ones and guides in the spirit realm. In seven sessions, you’ll learn practices to strengthen your multisensory abilities for expanding your consciousness and reshaping your perception of life and the beyond.

Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to successfully enrich your soul while forging deep connections with loved ones and guides on the Other Side.


Module 1: Awaken Your Multisensory Potential

Module 2: Empower Authentic Connections by Respecting the Other Side’s Autonomy

Module 3: Unlock Your Innate Ability to Communicate Between Realms to Bolster Your Mediumship Abilities

Module 4: Unleash the True Potential of Your Mind to Unlock Emotional & Spiritual Channels of Perception

Module 5: Learn How to Bridge Vibrational Realms to Connect With Departed Loved Ones

Module 6: Embrace Transformed Connections to Understand Your Loved One’s Expanded Perspective

Module 7: Tap Into Your Innate Magnificence to Transcend Grief

PLUS, you’ll get the Multisensory Mediumship Bonus Offering

Bonus #1

Self-Hypnosis Meditation on Mediumship
Audio Meditation From Marie Manuchehri

Bonus #2

It’s All About Vibration
Video Teaching From Marie Manuchehri

The original price of Multisensory Mediumship on its own was $349, but it’s INCLUDED in your registration for the advanced course!



The Upgrade Your Multisensory Intuition Bonus Offering

In addition to Marie’s introductory program and transformative 12-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, January 27, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

How to Translate Real Health Issues Accurately
Audio Teaching With PDF of Chakras, Illnesses & Energetic Reasons for Disease From Marie Manuchehri, RN

Enjoy this 25-minute audio recording of Marie’s insights on how to read your own body’s health needs. The body constantly communicates through its advanced human energy system. It wants to be heard, as its true desire is to assist you in maintaining health. This bonus also includes a 4-page PDF of chakras, illnesses, and energetic reasons for disease.

Register by January 27 to claim this bonus before it expires.


When you register by Midnight Pacific on Friday, February 9, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Following Resistance to Self-Love
Video Teaching From Marie Manuchehri, RN

In this 13-minute video, Marie explains what self-love is and why it’s incredibly important to obtain. Marie describes how resistance feels. She also shares why resistance is your guide to go further or wait it out for a few more minutes until your ego relaxes and your mind becomes quiet. From there, you can merge into the unbelievable joy of unconditional self-love a vibration that can upgrade your whole life when practiced often.

Register by February 9 to claim this bonus before it expires.


30-Day Self-Hypnosis Meditation to Translate Insight Accurately
Audio Recording to Expand Your Multisensory Abilities From Marie Manuchehri, RN

Listen to this 13-minute self-hypnosis meditation every day for 30 days to shift your perceptions and belief system about your intuitive abilities. This self-hypnosis can rapidly enhance your multisensory abilities. You’ll also increase your ability to translate intuitive insights, regardless of how you perceive multisensory information.


Is This My Ego or Real Insight?
Audio Recording to Recognize and Ignore the Ego From Marie Manuchehri, RN

The ego can be loud and scary. And people often feel that what is actually their ego speaking is the spirit world warning them. But if the spirit world wanted to protect you or send you towards a different path, it would do so with grace and compassion. Gain clarity in this 19-minute audio recording about the ego’s conversations in your head versus true insight. Learn how to recognize the ego and how to ignore it.


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What Graduates of Marie Manuchehri’s Courses Are Saying...


Kara Nellor: “Marie’s Classes Give You All the Tools and Information You Need to Be Successful”

Karen Crawford: “Marie Manuchehri Takes You on This Amazing Journey of Learning How to Tap Into Your Intuition”

Erika Virdi: “Marie’s Class Has Literally Changed the Trajectory of My Life”

“Marie is a gifted teacher and an expert in multisensory mediumship.”

Marie is a gifted teacher and an expert in multisensory mediumship. The Qigong exercises and meditations were amazing and helped me to better connect and experience the guides and spirits that Marie had pre-arranged for us.
Patti, Northport, New York

“Marie’s insights were amazing and provided a deep understanding of spiritual concepts.”

I thoroughly enjoyed the multisensory medium course. It was incredibly easy to follow and provided an immersive and interactive learning experience. The meditations and exercises, especially the Qigong techniques for getting the energy flowing, were very effective and added a practical dimension to the learning process. Marie’s insights were amazing and provided a deep understanding of spiritual concepts. The thorough explanation of the astral plane, and the experiences of our loved ones when they cross over was enlightening and thought-provoking. This course exceeded my expectations and greatly contributed to my spiritual development. I feel that I have gained valuable insights that will help me further develop my understanding in this area. Thank you for offering such a wonderful and enriching course.
Arlyn Alvarez, San Jose, California

“[Marie’s] positive energy and clear directives during the sessions led to a positive shift with my connections to ancestors.”

Marie’s positive energy and clear directives during the sessions led to a positive shift with my connections to ancestors. I look forward to attending future sessions with her.
Joy, Matthews, North Carolina

“I never thought I could actually experience anything close to mediumship. Marie changed that for me.”

I never thought I could actually experience anything close to mediumship. Marie changed that for me. She is a wonderful teacher who has ingrained in me the importance of self-love, acceptance, and the ability for each one of us to communicate with our loved ones who have passed.
Diane, Aurora, Colorado

“Marie Manuchehri is a treasure trove of information that resonates with me.”

Marie Manuchehri is a treasure trove of information that resonates with me. I listen to her lectures repeatedly. I accept and understand what she is saying; then there are times when all of a sudden I KNOW what she is saying. My 20-year-old grandson took his life in 2020. I understood that he wanted to leave Earth. The other day while talking to him I got a “download” that he is in his joy where he is now. Chills rippled through my body. In addition to her knowledge, Marie is a delightful soul. I love learning from her.
Susan, Cincinnati, Ohio


Join the Global Community


Upgrade Your Multisensory Intuition offers some of the most advanced online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Marie Manuchehri, RN, will share in this powerful program.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions With Marie Manuchehri, RN

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from energy medicine healer and medium Marie Manuchehri, RN from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to embody the higher vibrations of love, beauty, and appreciation to activate your multisensory and mediumship gifts. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

Twelve Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Twelve Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Twelve Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Twelve 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the Zoom call to interact, share, and do additional practices to help further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are available for live attendance only and are not recorded for playback. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

Multisensory Mediumship 7-Module Course and Bonuses

When you sign up for this 7-module journey, you’ll get instant access to Marie’s first 7-module online course, taking you through her reliable system for becoming an energetic bridge between worlds and nourishing your soul by fostering profound connections with loved ones and guides in the spirit realm.

The Upgrade Your Multisensory Intuition Bonus Offering

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, January 27, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • How to Translate Real Health Issues Accurately
    Audio Teaching With PDF of Chakras, Illnesses & Energetic Reasons for Disease From Marie Manuchehri, RN

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Friday, February 9, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Following Resistance to Self-Love
    Video Teaching From Marie Manuchehri, RN
  • 30-Day Self-Hypnosis Meditation to Translate Insight Accurately
    Audio Recording to Expand Your Multisensory Abilities From Marie Manuchehri, RN
  • Is This My Ego or Real Insight?
    Audio Recording to Recognize and Ignore the Ego From Marie Manuchehri, RN

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Upgrade Your Multisensory Intuition


We feel honored that Marie Manuchehri, RN, has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with an energy medicine healer and medium whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about expanding your multisensory abilities and connecting with the spirit world, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

Note: If you’re a graduate of Marie’s 7-module course, Multisensory Mediumship, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!



3 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Upgrade Your Multisensory Intuition or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before February 27, 2024 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Marie Manuchehri, RN...

“Marie has been a gift in my life, guiding me to discover my true soul and helping me conquer past pains...”

Marie has been a gift in my life, guiding me to discover my true soul and helping me conquer past pains through changing my energy vibration. Her classes are outstanding! Marie has a nurturing presence and is a great guide in this process called liſe.
Mary Ellen H., intuitive life navigator

“Through [Marie’s] energy work and seminars, I am healthier, happier, and have a greater understanding of the Other Side.”

Marie has a wonderful gift of helping us realize our own individual spiritual nature and connection to our source. Through her energy work and seminars, I am healthier, happier, and have a greater understanding of the Other Side. She has also helped me understand my path and potential.
Dr. Ann Marie Griff , optometrist

“[Marie’s] classes are very informative, interesting, intuitive, and most importantly, FUN.”

Marie is one of the best intuitives I have come across in my past decade of energy healing practice. What I love about Marie’s classes is her honesty about what she’s aware of and how generously she is sharing her experiences. She is so personable and precise in her classes, distance sessions, and radio show. I felt completely at ease while asking her questions about topics covered in class. And at the end of her 12-week course, I felt like I had an extended family. Marie’s so gifted. To access insight from the Other Side and explain her insight with love, light, and kindness is brilliant. Her classes are very informative, interesting, intuitive, but most importantly, FUN.
Jaime Todd, owner, Lake Stevens Energy Healing

“[Marie] offered me profound spiritual insights that helped me understand what needed to be changed.”

When I first saw Marie, I was feeling frustrated and stuck, unable to create the life I truly wanted. Right away she offered me profound spiritual insights that helped me understand what needed to be changed. She also taught me skills that I could use every day to help me attract the love, success, creativity, and joy I desired. She is a giſted teacher and healer. Seeing Marie has vastly improved my life.
Gail H., author

“If you are interested in learning new practices that will transform your life, I highly recommend Marie!”

I have taken two courses with Marie Manuchehri. Marie’s courses are a perfect combination of relevant, manageable outside coursework, lectures, lots of opportunity for questions and discussion, and practice breakout sessions to put all the pieces together. Her classes attract compassionate students from every level in their personal journey, from novices like me to healing practitioners. The class just seems to meet you where you are on your own spiritual path. If you are interested in learning new practices that will transform your life, I highly recommend Marie!
Sister B.


About Marie Manuchehri, RN

Marie Manuchehri, a powerful intuitive, healer, and medium, began her psychic career while working as an oncology nurse in a Seattle-area hospital. Her unique perceptions have led others to create healthier bodies and relationships, and achieve financial desires.

Marie, who works with spirit and departed loved ones on the Other Side, is a deep believer in manifesting one’s aspirations, including the desire to know information beyond the physical reality.

She is devoted to teaching fellow humans about the real, positive impact their own psychic abilities can have on transforming their lives and their psychology. She excels in direct intuitive communication and can read any area of a person’s life.

Marie teaches many courses throughout the year focused on intuition, and assists clients around the world with serious health issues in her private practice. She has a weekly radio show, Where Energy and Medicine Meet, is the author of Intuitive Self-Healing, and has produced a CD series called How to Communicate With Your Spirit Guides.


Frequently Asked Questions


Note: If you’re a graduate of Marie’s 7-module course, Multisensory Mediumship, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!

Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage with live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is any connected device. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.


Q: Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is February 27, 2024. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.


Note: If you’re a graduate of Marie’s 7-module course, Multisensory Mediumship, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!
