With Author, Jungian Psychotherapist &
Founding Rabbi of Congregation Nevei Kodesh
Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone

A 9-Module On-Demand Video Training
Plus 7-Module Introductory Program!

Embark on an experiential journey to heal your ancestral legacies, discover untapped vitality and spiritual resources and quiet the turbulent outside world to connect with your sacred purpose.


Each of us holds tremendous power to change not only the trajectory of our own life but the collective experience of our larger world, even during these times of uncertainty.

Once you understand your own trauma history and the challenging historical patterns your ancestors engendered, you begin a journey that releases enormous healing potential that can benefit you and many others.

Untying trauma knots in your personal and ancestral history sets you free and energizes you to become more powerful and compassionate as you create a future aligned with your soul’s purpose.

Experience Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Fireston's 9-module journey into the healing of your ancestral legacies and discover untapped spiritual resources as you dismantle personal and intergenerational trauma patterns, so you and your lineage can reach your fullest, most radiant expression.

This transformative course lead you through guided meditations, embodied exercises, and personal contemplations to support the ancestral healing work you’ll engage in.

This transformative course also includes two sacred ritual practicum sessions to take you deeper into ceremonial ancestral healing work.

You’ll delve into a rich synthesis of teachings from the fields of depth psychology, neuroscience, and Kabbalistic and mystic wisdom and benefit from Tirzah’s wisdom as a Jungian psychotherapist and spiritual elder.

As you’ll discover, each of us comes into this world with specific tasks sacred repair work that’s deeply connected to the wounds and challenges that have befallen us and our bloodlines.

When you explore and heal these wounds, you can better accomplish your sacred work honoring your soul’s calling, deciphering your soul’s unique code, and becoming all that you’re meant to be.

And once you’re equipped with the wisdom of your ancestors, spiritual guides, and allies, you’ll be able to see your life from an expanded perspective complete with the hope, courage, resilience, and compassion you need to better navigate your life and bring healing to our world.


During this 9-module journey, you’ll discover:

  • Insights into your ancestral history which may be affecting you more strongly in these challenging times and how you can access the ancestral plane to help you move forward
  • Usable practices to build your sacred space and empower your body, mind, and spirit
  • How to view family trauma patterns in their historical context and move past the control they have over you
  • How trauma residue patterns of fear, shame, greed, hypervigilance, and spiritual resistance are passed down through families and show up in larger societal patterns in the world (including racism, colonization, and patriarchal oppression of women)
  • 2 ritual practicum sessions to take you deeper into ceremonial and ritual work
  • Ways to delve into your genogram (intergenerational family map) to study family ruptures and pathologies and uncover resources, positive allies, and encouragement for your life today
  • Meditations to access the ancestral plane and create relationships with your loving guides and ancestors
  • Skills to deepen your connection to wise guidance and steer clear of negative influences
  • The potent transformational fields that Kabbalah and Tibetan mysticism bring to ancestral healing
  • Ancient mythic stories to help you align with your sacred purpose and effectuate change in the world
  • The powerful truth that you were born with a sacred purpose and how to quiet the turbulent world so you can connect with it
  • How your ancestors’ life experiences and wisdom can help you survive and even thrive in chaotic times like ours

What You’ll Discover in These 9 Modules

In this 9-module transformational intensive, you'll be guided to deepen your understanding of your ancestral trauma legacies to gain clarity, courage, compassion, and access to your authentic Self.

Personal and Collective Transformation for All Levels of Expertise

This 9-module course is for anyone seeking an experiential understanding of their trauma legacies and how to transform them.

Community leaders, teachers, therapists, spiritual practitioners, and other professionals can augment their work by bringing these intergenerational healing modalities into their clinical and organizational practices.

The Beauty of On-Demand


This course features teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices from Tirzah. Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to deepen your ancestral healing. Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content, allowing you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.

Please Note: If you have not experienced Tirzah’s teachings before, you’re welcome to take this next-level training but we ask you to complete the foundational 7-module Ancestral Wisdom for Walking the Path of the Holy Being program on your own as a prerequisite. It will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.


Module 1: Clarifying Your Soul’s Journey to Empower Your Work in the World 


How can you become better aligned with your soul’s sacred purpose?

In this opening session, Tirzah sets the foundation for your journey. She opens with a welcome to your new global community, an invocation, and an overview of the course.

This module covers the many reasons why ancestral healing is so critical to your own wellbeing and the planet’s.

And, this session will guide you to begin thinking through powerful inquiries including how your soul’s journey corresponds to the unfolding global events, how your family’s unhealed legacies are obscuring your path (and what you can do about it), and much more.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • A brief reading from Tirzah’s Wounds Into Wisdom book, setting the stage for the alchemical work of transforming your dark and dense legacies into compassion, strength, and healing
  • A review of Plato’s parable of the acorn and the oak tree and why it’s foundational to both the Kabbalah and C.G. Jung’s axiom that “the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”
  • What you’ll need to know to enter the imaginal realm as a bridge to the unconscious and how it can help you access guidance and interact with well and wise ancestors and spiritual allies
  • Powerful tools for self-regulation and self-compassion including 4 affirmations, the Butterfly Hug, and the Hawaiian Waterfall
  • Creating your own sacred space to deepen your spiritual work, begin life mapping, and calling in your ancestral allies
  • A guided meditation, What Our Souls Know, to help you understand your choice to enter the world at this time and through your particular bloodlines with all their unique challenges and resources

Module 2: Healing Our Personal Family to Heal the Human Family 


What are the residues that trauma leaves behind, and how do they get passed on to new generations affecting entire ethnicities and collective society?

You’ll explore how to wake up to these unconscious influences and find freedom, compassion, and healing power for yourself and the world.

You'll be guided to think through your trauma history as a continuance of ancestral patterns... and how you can stop what Tirzah calls the trauma train.

We all came into this world to help effect changes and innovations in the collective consciousness of the planet. As you’ll discover, knowledge is power and bringing unconscious patterns into the light of awareness and compassion can liberate your life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Hallmarks of individual and collective trauma with an eye to your own bloodlines and the larger societal patterns at work in the world (for example, racism, colonization, patriarchal oppression of women and the feminine principle)
  • Ways to delve into your genograms (intergenerational family maps) to study their ruptures and uncover resources, positive allies, and encouragement for your situation today
  • How to explore exactly what your family lived through for instance, were they colonizers or colonized, upwardly mobile or just surviving?
  • Ways to outline your personal issues mental loops, compulsive behaviors, relationship issues, and more and view them in the context of ancestral (genetic/epigenetic) legacies
  • A practice to invoke and connect with your wise and well ancestral guides in your sacred ritual space and tools to help you sit in their presence and open to their guidance
  • A guided meditation, We Meet Again, to open channels to members of your soul-pod and deepen rapport with your wise, well ancestral and spirit guides to hear their guidance and receive their protection

Module 3: Facing Our Family Shadows 


How do your personal anxieties, fears, and life issues have roots in your family’s history?

In this module, you’ll explore Jung’s concept of the shadow the unacceptable, repressed, or unwelcome aspects of our lives.

You’ll also deepen your exploration of the intergenerational shadow with a paradoxical approach called Chöd the 11th century Tibetan Buddhist practice of Feeding Your Demon  applied to our ancestral legacies, pathologies, and complexes.

You'll contemplate one particular life issue you’re working on  perhaps it’s addiction, OCD, sexual abuse/patriarchal domination, depression, etc...

Whatever the details of your struggle, you'll create a safe space for this practice.

You'll then create a personification of your life issue. You’ll enter active imagination to walk the “creature” back into your lineages as you discover more about its gravitational pulls.

In this powerful session, you’ll discover:

  • The true meaning of “the shadow”  and how you can uncover the shadow of your family and lineage
  • Why bringing your “demons,” the unacceptable, repressed, unwelcome aspects of your life, into the light of awareness reduces their destructive power and releases the enormous life energy stored within them
  • A practice to locate the core issue/demon as a sensation that lives in your physical body and how to invite a picture (an image, form, being, or creature) from the unconscious as an embodiment of this sensation and feeling
  • How to face your two bloodlines
  • The power of your family’s gravitational pull

Ritual Practicum #1: Feeding Your Demon 


In this practicum, you’ll create a sacred space to deepen the healing ritual of the ancient Tibetan Chöd Practice.

Within the loving, safe space you'll create, you’ll face your ancestral demon, invoking its personification once again and communicating with it to discover what it wants and needs from you. 

Then you’ll learn how to feed it the nectar of your essence, allowing it to magically transform its shape and become your protector and ally. 


Module 4: The Alchemy of Healing Transmuting the Family Demon 


Did you know that your biggest enemies hold untapped sources of support and protection?

You’ll continue with the transformational process of alchemizing your ancestral demon, gaining further access to its deep reservoir of life force and listening for its commitments to you as it becomes your ally and assistant.

You’ll work to free up blocked energy and health, receiving renewed power as you realize personal and family goals.

As you’ll discover, the demon will continue resolving itself through satiation.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet the demon in its newly personified form
  • Discover how the demon’s transformed energy can become a positive and protective presence in your life
  • Learn ways to gain access, protection, and help for yourself and your family from your ally, the former demon
  • Find out how your personal transformation might impact your lineage
  • Begin to ask yourself how far back your connection to your ally might go, and describe the energy around it perhaps it’s fear, malice, ignorance, obedience, etc.
  • Clarify and reset your life goals

Module 5: The Power of Dignity & Honor 


What do your ancestors know about shame and honor? And how can you step beyond their history into your full radiant dignity?

You’ll examine your own history of shame and honor and receive sanction and blessing from your ancestors and allies.

Then, you'll be guided to stand in your own dignity to become an agent of change and blessing for the world.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Why the shame that often accompanies trauma is also an attractor for further shame and trauma, creating an ongoing cycle of trouble 
  • How traits like dignity and honor are also attractors for similar, admirable traits and how they accrue positive potent power as we give honor to others
  • How the ancient mystical term for honor, Kavod, is connected to the dark feminine and what she may be telling you
  • Three large cultural themes that play on our world’s current social and environmental crises: patriarchy, colonization, and racism
  • How the demons of our times result in the large-scale robbing of honor/dignity of entire populations
  • How to work through the cultural Chöd process step-by-step as Tirzah models how to transform the cultural demons of greed and power

Ritual Practicum #2: Transforming Demons With the Cultural Chöd Process 


In this practicum, you’ll once again create a sacred ritual space.

You’ll begin with several practices to strengthen your grounding to the Earth while opening up energetic portals to a larger version of yourself that’s strengthened by honor for your essential being.

Then, you'll be guided in the practice of extending Kavod (honor and dignity), first to your bloodlines, then to your compatriots, and then to troublesome characters in your life.

You’ll then begin to receive the Kabbalistic practice of becoming an Agent of Blessing, Ba’al HaBracha. This begins with learning to open your central channel, called the Middle Pillar in Kabbalah, to receive divine blessing into your own being. With an open fluid channel, you’ll allow the overflow of this energy, transmitting this power to three beings.

You’ll watch the effects of this powerful transmission, before safely coming back from expanded awareness to your here-and-now self grounded and ready to take this practice into the world.


Module 6: Becoming an Agent of Blessing 


You’ll ask yourself, How can I become an agent of change and transformation in the world?

In this pivotal session, you’ll discover how to take all you’ve been learning and stand in your family and in the world as an agent of true change and transformation.

As you'll discover, you can enrich your life and rise to your own greatness by tapping into the spiritual resources and resilience of the great souls who’ve walked this Earth before you.

You’ll turn toward your ancestors to bless and release them from their socially constrained and conditioned contexts... and come to see yourself as much larger and greater than your life’s patterns  because your soul’s light is actually your destiny.

You’ll discover practices to:

  • Embody grounding and self-regulation
  • Strengthen the open central channel through chi kung (aka qigong) and tai chi movements or you can simply visualize strengthening your central channel and cultivate the energy body to become a channel for blessing
  • Step back into your genogram to find family blessings like resiliency, humor, ingenuity, arts, and community-building
  • Cultivate courage and moral imagination for these uncertain times we’re facing
  • Engage in a guided meditation for self-blessing to release your karmic burdens and open your internal pathways for blessing others
  • Face, befriend, and feed the naysayer within who would like to obstruct your larger mission and radiance
  • Draw on the work of Viktor Frankl to see your life’s “givens” and explore why they don’t need to define you, after all

Module 7: Ancestors as Portals to the Divine 


In this closing session, you'll contemplate the question, How can I keep my channels to the unseen worlds open and clear, to keep receiving divine guidance and protection as I go forth?

Ancient myths and legends provide plenty of guidance for this moment in history...

And as you bring your journey to a close, you'll explore how rituals and sacred space, which are so essential right now, can provide a bridge to the divine worlds.

In this final module, you’ll explore:

  • Ways to help tip the balance in favor of healthy life on Earth
  • How to work with 2 Kabbalistic stories: the cosmic myth of the shattered vessels and the teaching of the 36 hidden pious ones (Tzaddikim)
  • Why both Kabbalistic tales correspond directly to the current state of our world and provide direction
  • A guided journey to see yourself as a fully flowered Tzaddik, who has the ability to travel back and forth in time to find and replant the kernel of good in your bloodline the pure heart and intention that became misguided
  • How to see through and beyond the outer husks of family patterns and unmetabolized trauma to the light within your ancestral lineage

Ancestral Wisdom for Walking the Path of the Holy Being Wisdom Introductory Training Is Included!


This intensive builds upon the core teachings from the Ancestral Wisdom for Walking the Path of the Holy Being Wisdom 7-module course. When you purchase the full 9-module intensive, you get access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete this material at your leisure, but it’s better to begin before the new sessions start.

In this 7-module transformational course, Tirzah skillfully guides you you through the ancient and reimagined teachings and powerful practices of two ancestral traditions to help you walk a sacred, empowered path to upliftment, joy, and service.

Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to walk the path of two ancient traditions and help transmute the challenges of today into the solutions of tomorrow.

Module 1: Living a Sacred Life in a World in Upheaval

Module 2: Constellating Forces of Darkness on the Path of Light

Module 3: Cultivating Protection From the Evil Eye

Module 4: Dissolving Into Nothingness to Become Everything

Module 5: Transforming Your Fear When the World Is Crumbling

Module 6: Ritual Lab Initiation Into the Tzaddik/Bodhisattva Within

Module 7: Returning to the World as a Luminous Human

PLUS, you’ll get the Ancestral Wisdom for Walking the Path of the Holy Being Wisdom Bonus Collection

Bonus #1

Wounds into Wisdom Excerpt
PDF Selection From Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone

Bonus #2

Opening the Door to Ancestral Healing
Video Dialogue With Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone and Langston Kahn

Bonus #3:

The Holy Person Within: Your Tzaddik Self
Video Practice From Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone

The original price of Ancestral Wisdom for Walking the Path of the Holy Being on its own was $297.00, but it’s INCLUDED in your registration for the advanced course!



The Wounds Into Wisdom Bonus Collection

In addition to Tirzah’s introductory training and transformative 9-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Setting & Establishing Your Altar & Community
Orientation Ritual Package From Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone

Delve into this rich series of exercises and practices designed to support you in preparing for this course and getting yourself set up for the work you’ll be doing over the coming sessions. Through this orientation ritual, you’ll gain clarity on your personal goals and intentions for the course, begin to establish your sacred coursework community, and provide valuable input on the direction of the course.


Basking in the Holy Dark
Video Dialogue With Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone and Vera de Chalambert

Mystics and prophets have long taught that to approach the Divine, we must move through Holy Darkness. In this dialogue, Tirzah and Vera (author, speaker, and spiritual mentor) discuss the forms of the Sacred Feminine through the lens of the world’s great wisdom traditions. Explore how this archetypal power is emerging now to guide us through this global night and transfigure us into who we must become to birth a more beautiful world.


Altar Crafting & Donning a Prayer Shawl
Video Training and Practice From Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone

This video training will guide you through the process of creating three different kinds of altars: an outdoor altar, an ancestral altar, and a stationary altar, at which to deepen your spiritual practices through this course. If you desire further protection and spiritual reinforcement, Tirzah also shares instructions for donning a prayer shawl.


What Graduates of Tirzah’s Courses Are Saying...

“If you feel drawn to this course, it is very likely that the ancestors are wanting to work alongside you.”

This course is a mixture of fascinating intellectual information, practical exercises, and connecting stories of others’ experience… There have been confirmations of what I already know, but whole areas that are new to me. If you feel drawn to this course, it is very likely that the ancestors are wanting to work alongside you. I now have a sense of well ancestors and those in my soul-pod who are supporting me, rather than writing off all my family as dysfunctional and potentially dangerous. It has given me a sense of agency in terms of my ability to heal the past, which I have done a little before, and my gratitude for those who are urging me on in my soul path. I have so appreciated Tirzah’s approach; I love her vocabulary, her compassion, her vulnerability, and her wisdom.
Zoe Grace Cozens, Vienne, France

“Connecting with my ancestors and understanding their Earthwalk has been incredibly healing.”

Connecting with my ancestors and understanding their Earthwalk has been incredibly healing. This course was rich with information, practice, and support. I highly recommend this course if you have an interest in ancestral work.
Jo Agosto Victor, New York

“The knowledge and practices helped me so deeply.”

This is the first course I have taken through the Shift and I have been so enlightened through it it is exactly what I was looking for in my life. The knowledge and practices helped me so deeply. Tirzah Firestone’s knowledge and ability to communicate it made this course very valuable. Her encouragement and experience allowed me to have shifts that I wouldn’t have been able to have if I had tried this subject matter on my own. I’m very grateful for it, and the format was wonderful.
Sarah, Utah

“... full appreciation of what our ancestors went through...”

I came away with full appreciation of what our ancestors went through and the work we still have to do. It is indeed very purposeful and joyful.

“... a new, deeper relationship with my mother, who died when I was in my twenties.”

This course brought me insight into my family history and how it has affected me. It has opened a door to understanding and building a new, deeper relationship with my mother, who died when I was in my twenties. I have been looking for this in therapy for years. I can’t recommend this course highly enough!
Penny White, Los Angeles

“... took me far back into the ancient ways of life within the magical, mythical times...”

I’ve been given the ability to deeply connect to my own soul’s myth through this ancestral wisdom work. It not only put me into contact with well and wise ancestors from my direct, personal bloodlines, it took me far back into the ancient ways of life within the magical, mythical times when humans still lived in harmony with nature.
Ellen Maria, Mexico

“... opened the doors of communication with relatives I have had very little contact with...”

The course as a whole helped me understand who I am and how my ancestor’s stories have informed how I react and have lived my life for the past 70 years. It also opened the doors of communication with relatives I have had very little contact with and helped me express my love for them. It also opened up a new space in my meditation practice. Rabbi Tirzah is a very kind and gentle soul and provided a safe space for expressing one’s feelings and learning.
D’vorah Epstein McDonaldBurbank, California

“... reminder that there is much that we can do for the world by the work that we do on ourselves...”

There were many subtle benefits that I will take away from this course, but the primary takeaway for me is the reminder that there is much that we can do for the world by the work that we do on ourselves with the hope that in doing so, we can be part of the healing of the planet. Mother Earth needs us, and all of us who walk upon her will benefit from our healing journeys.
Dennice, British Columbia Canada

“... connected me kinesthetically with my ancestors’ traumas... [and] helped me improve current physical problems in my life.”

I have already been communicating with my loved ones and my husband for 25 years, but the course connected me kinesthetically with my ancestors’ traumas. Releasing them helped me improve current physical problems in my life.
Carol Gottesman, Hubbard, Ohio


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Nine Pre-Recorded 90-Minute Sessions

Experience a unique opportunity to be learn from author, rabbi, and Jungian psychotherapist Tirzah Firestone from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to gain clarity, courage, compassion, and access to your authentic Self.

Nine PDF Transcripts of Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive session transcriptions. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

Ancestral Wisdom for Walking the Path of the Holy Being 7-Module Course and Bonuses

When you sign up for this 9-module journey, you’ll also get access to Tirzah’s previous 7-module online course, guiding you through the ancient and reimagined teachings and powerful practices of two ancestral traditions to help you walk a sacred, empowered path to upliftment, joy, and service.

The Wounds Into Wisdom Bonus Collection
  • Setting & Establishing Your Altar & Community
    Orientation Ritual Package From Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone
  • Basking in the Holy Dark
    Video Dialogue With Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone and Vera de Chalambert
  • Altar Crafting & Donning a Prayer Shawl
    Video Training and Practice From Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Wounds Into Wisdom Virtual Training


We feel honored that Tirzah Firestone has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an author, rabbi, and Jungian psychotherapist whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about dismantling personal and intergenerational trauma patterns, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

Register Today!
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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Wounds Into Wisdom or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of your purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Tirzah Firestone...

“... uncover suffering and use it to help others ― the final stage of healing...”

Wounds Into Wisdom is for anyone who has suffered trauma, either directly or in a family whose generational trauma is buried. It helps readers uncover suffering and use it to help others ― the final stage of healing...
Gloria Steinem

“... an opportunity for particular reconciliation and universal healing.”

With tender compassion and luminous insight, Rabbi Tirzah unwraps the hidden layers of stories, wounds, and wisdom that characterize the global Jewish community. She deftly lifts the complex history of modern Judaism to the light, offering an opportunity for particular reconciliation and universal healing.
Mirabai Starr, Author of God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity & Islam and Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss & Transformation

“... profound help to anyone seeking to navigate the path to healing from trauma...”

Rabbi and psychotherapist Tirzah Firestone... offers us the wisdom of a compassionate therapist whose understanding is broad and deep. But she also offers us the spiritual perspective of a rabbi who has found her way to the deeper currents of Jewish understanding... [Wounds Into Wisdom] is powerful in itself but it is also empowering we can feel how the author has herself lived through trauma, and has even found her way to become a great healer and teacher. I believe [the book] would be of profound help to anyone seeking to navigate the path to healing from trauma which I believe in some ways, is all of us.
Rodger Kamenetz, Author of  The History of Last Night’s Dream and  The Jew in the Lotus

"... offers hope to those whose lives have been shattered by trauma.”

Tirzah Firestone’s Wounds Into Wisdom offers hope to those whose lives have been shattered by trauma. The question at the heart of this book is: Can you emerge from tragedy wiser and more free? Her answer, eloquently stated and illustrated by powerful stories and profound insight, is YES, you can. If tragedy haunts your life or the lives of those you love, read this book; it has the potential to change everything.
Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Author of Minyan and Perennial Wisdom for the Spiritually Independent

“... compels one to positive action.”

"Brilliant, beautiful, and compels one to positive action. The people interviewed are so real and lovable...[Firestone’s] writing opens one’s heart to healing and hope. This is a book I will read again for inspiration and specific principles to live a joyful, liberated life."
Dr. Anita Sanchez, Author of  The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times


About Tirzah Firestone


Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone is an author, psychotherapist, and founding rabbi of Congregation Nevei Kodesh in Boulder, Colorado. Widely known for her groundbreaking work on Kabbalah, depth psychology, and the re-integration of the feminine wisdom tradition within Judaism, Rabbi Tirzah lectures and teaches nationally about spiritual and ancient wisdom practices that are honed to assist us at this critical time in world history.

Her latest work, combining research in depth psychology, neuroscience, and the field of collective traumatology, is highlighted in the award-winning book, Wounds Into Wisdom: Healing Intergenerational Jewish Trauma (Monkfish, 2019). In it, Tirzah shares the remarkable life stories of people around the world who have healed from profound tragedy and trauma. The book provides directives for the transformation of all of our injuries both personal and inherited into moral wisdom, courage, and compassion.

Reb Tirzah teaches ancestral healing practices in communities around the country, from San Quentin to our nation’s capital. She also maintains a private practice at her home office in Boulder.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How long will I have access to my Course Homepage and materials?
A: Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content online via your Homepage unless refunded or otherwise specified. We currently don't have an expiration date for our online materials. This will allow you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
